Chapter 67 - <<Hotel>>

Sorry for takin so long to come back. It took some time to get rid of the holiday laziness.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the chapters.


Takashi was obviously in anticipation of what it meant to the both of them come to the hotel.

He had already guessed that Yurika would bring he to this place, but at the time it was only a hunch with nothing to completely support the idea.

So he was not only in anticipation, but also surprised by the fact that she actually went out of her way to bring he herself to a place like this.

It was surprising, but a happy surprise.

He was already thinking that it was time for his relationship with Yurika to advance to a more physical level so he intended to try his luck with her at the end of the date, but the incident of earlier made he think that perhaps it as best to delay for a next time.

But apparently Yurika didn't agreed with him, having brought him here.

He wanted to just run in there with Yurika, open a room and get down to business immediately but he restrained himself.

He could feel from Yurika's hand that, despite being the one that brought them here, she was very nervous about what is about to happen.

Different from the women of the Komiya family Yurika wasn't as relaxed and open-minded in regards of sex. She had the sensitivity of a normal girl. Despite the hentai she came from print the idea that she could easily be corrupted, with it being of a very short story, the truth of the matter is that it wasn't that simple.

Thanks to the documents that he found in Eiichi company and what he found in Akira's house, Takashi had a very good idea of what they used to corrupt those women, Yurika included. It was a series combinations that involved blackmail, cornered mind, aphrodisiacs, drugs and etc.

Without those things it could be next to impossible to 'break' someone's mind that easily.

As such, it was too much to expect that Yurika wouldn't be nervous about bringing he to this place.

Knowing all of those things, Takashi exercised a great amount of effort to don't lose control immediately.

His 'little' friend would have to wait just a little more.

Both of them entered the building and went directly to the reception to rent a room by the hour.

In front of them was a guy that appeared to be older than them, probably frequenting college.

"Good afternoon. How may I be of service?"

He greeted with a business like smile, indicating that he was already used to his function and the coming and goings of people wanting to get 'busy'.

"Huh, We, ah, w-we wo,uld, uhm..."

Yurika got together all of her courage to bring Takashi to this place, but now that they were in it she could barely say a word out loud, thinking about what they were about to do.

She was so embarrassed that she wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

Seeing how she was so nervous, Takashi tried to solve the situation as fast as possible.

"We would like to rent a room for two people"

"Certainly. Would you like to rent a room for the night or by the hour?"

"By the hour"

"As you wish. We offer four types of service in or establishment, depending of what kind of room our clients want to rent. Which type of room you wish to select? The option are the Normal Room, the Upgraded Room, the Luxury Room and the Premium Room"

Obviously depending of his choice the price would change, with the Normal Room being the cheapest and the Premium Room being the more expensive.

Knowing that for Takashi the choice was obvious.

"A Premium Room"

"Huh?! Taka-kun that's the mos expensive? W-we don't need it. A Normal Room is fine!" said Yurika in an alarmed tone.

Apparently he selecting the most expensive room was enough to break the estupor in which she was as a result of her embarrassment. The receptionist still had a business smile on his face, but a frown had appeared as he apparently doubt that Takashi could afford for a Premium Room.

"Don't worry Yurika, I can pay for that" he said in a reassuring tone.


"No buts. There's no way that I won't provide you with the best possible if I can" he said in a determined tone.

He meant what he said. The primary reason of why he spend most of his day studying to make money was that, as a man aiming to create a harem, it was a must for him to make enough money to support multiple women.

The fact that they could earn their own money was irrelevant in this matter. For him that was a matter of pride, that he needed feel that he was good enough to all of them.

Now that he had the money, don't spending it would be inexcusable. Especially if he could spoil a little one of the woman that he cared for.

But that was also part of his plan to make Yurika more open to the idea of being a part of his harem. By letting her see that he could pay for an expensive service such as the Premium Room, combined with the expensive necklace he gave her on their first date, she would be able to guess that money wasn't exactly a big concern for him.

It would create the idea that he would be able to reach a great height in life, since he was barely an adult according to this country law and was already able to pay for expensive things.

Before she could protest much longer, Takashi confirmed with the receptionist that he was sure of his selected choice and gave his credit card to him.

Yurika still had a worried look, but seeing as the employee didn't say anything else and Takashi so certain of himself she remained quiet, a little surprised that he could spend money that easily and happy that he was willing to spend that on her.

As both of them received directions of where was their room, while Yurika wasn't looking, the business smile of the receptionist changed to a mor genuine one and he gave Takashi a thumbs up.

Whether that gesture was because Takashi said that right thing to Yurika or because he was about to get luck with a beauty like her he didn't know, but he responded with a thumbs of his own.

Either way it didn't change that he was happy for both of those things.

With the question of what room they were going being resolved, Takashi and Yurika went to their destination.

It was time to end their date in the best way possible.


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