11 Bone Magic

His fingers hovering over the [Open Gift] button, he wondered if it was worth cracking this potential treasure open at low level. Players in Valhalla would gain a small, random gift every 10 levels. The levels would be much harder to get once they get to level 20, allowing "Allocation". Allocation basically let the player level skills using EXP, and learn new ones from their class tree with EXP. So early on, equipment was the main focus to make a player strong. Then it shifted to good skills at mid tier levels. Then once you pass 100... Only equipment could make a player more powerful than stats allowed. Normally.... His skills menu didn't have the limiter that normal players did in the newer versions of the game. Maybe he was sent back to something similar to the beta? That would mean it was only 2 or so in game years before the kingdom he used to live in would ascend to power. Halium... It would be nice to return there one day. But for now, it's RNGesus prayer time!

Decisively, he pressed the button. The gift box materialized in front of him and began to spin, whirling as it became transparent and displayed various potions, books, and weapons. The chance for something OP in a level gift was close to nil, so he had hoped to get a useful potion or skill. His dagger was much stronger than any level 10 gift weapon he could possibly get. As it slowed, the gift became a blurry white nova of light, and a floating book dropped itself to the trodden dirt floor of the tent he sat under to rest a moment.

[Skill Book gained. Tier: [Rare] Classification: [Necromancy: Bone Magic(Lv1)]- Manipulate the bones of the deceased to create weapons, armor plating, or obstacles based on the users creativity and INT. ]

A necromancy ability! And better yet, it could be used as a trap... To find that Drakeling's bone dumping spot and lure it close, he could easily create a mass of disposable weapons to absolutely overwhelm it. But there's no chance of getting close if he goes in nosily without a plan. Taking a deep, shaky breath; Kael stood and began to walk. It would appear when he got close to the camp, like last time, and ambush him on the road. If he were to set an illusion of himself though.. While it was extremely smart, it also had seemed cowardly, as if it were already in danger. With its power, there's every possibility that the Drakeling could slaughter that guardpost in moments. But it ran from water, and numbers. Could it be injured from being driven out of its normal habitat?

Having such a lucky break was already asking whatever god in Valhalla oversaw luck for too much, his face shifting to a frown. "Wait just a minute.... a god? That could be my answer... Loki is the god of Deceit and Trickery, I could try and use the faith system!" Excitedly recalling the most underused game feature; he swiftly tried to activate the "Reputation" menu. The menu showed your standing with a location numerically, or with important figures as a percentage of their "Affinity". Essentially... He could just pray to one of the in game gods for help! "Why did I not already think of this...?" he lamented, as he began burning the food he had stolen from the goblins in the flames, bowing his head in prayer and starting his shameless begging. "Oh Loki! God of Trickery, I humbly beseech you to grant me strength! I give this offering of food taken from my enemies to you as a gift." He tried to recall the exact prayer that was used in game, but never really played all too much with having a god to follow. After all, what god would need a trash character like him to serve them?

As seconds turned to minutes, he began to give up hope, feeling stupid for wasting a bunch of food. "Why would I think a GOD would want some common kebabs I stole from goblins! I'm getting too full of myself.." He sighed and began trudging back towards the guards encampment through the trees, making sure to keep his eyes wide open and alert in case of ambush.

[The gods are amused with your existence. Loki has granted you a blessing. LUCK has been unlocked. LUCK stat at 1. LUCK affects: Destiny, good fortune, probability, and critical chance, as well as all percentile chance skills. Can only be increased through Divine intervention.]

"Wait huh?" Dumbfounded, he stared at the notification for some time, feeling dizzy. "Amused!! What am I, a sitcom???" Feeling a bit irked, he grudgingly accepted this gift and started to plot. First, he spammed a bunch of illusions, creating trees and bushes where there were none before to raise its level. Then, he took some of the random scrap bones he had left from butchering earlier to raise his Bone Magic, shifting them to form wicked knives, cruel spears, and jagged swords he could throw and use like a disposable plastic knife or fork. Though it was a bit of a waste, it got him enough XP in the skill to raise it by one during the walk. Illusion however nearly devoured his MP, dropping it down to about 5 before he sat to rest. Focusing on his MP, he attempted to channel it to make it recover faster to no avail.

"Ahh.. Why can't I be some OP cultivator or Gamer class like Jih*n H*n. Or even a badass killer like John W*ck. I feel like I'm pretty garbage but I might just be complaining a bit too much... I already have an OP system, weapon, and HP regen that saved my life." It finally sunk in for him. He had stopped being so weak that he was afraid of everything he came across. The slaughter of the goblins was the nail in the coffin. He was clearly some main character or something, so he needed to suck it up and work harder. His MP refilled to half, he looked at the skill, now at (Lv5). His plan was coming together now!

"Time to get started on your 'Last Meal', Drakeling!"