Chapter 2

Anna's POV


It's time already? why does it feels like i just slept for a minute and now i need to wake up already?

I lazily went to the bathroom and take a bath.


It's been how many years already since i became a bodyguard of Lady Sherylle 4 years? i think and it's already 4 years since i left that damned place.

After taking a bath i wear my polo ang pants.

"Angelo are up already? the breakfast is ready come down now and by the way Lady Sherylle is looking for you." Tanya the headservant asked while knocking at my door. I looked at my reflection one more time and after that i opened my door.

"Why is she looking for me? is there any problem?"

"Nothing i think she's just excited to hangout with her friends again come on faster" She said as she started walking towards the dining room.

"Good morning Sir Tony, Ma'am Shiela and Lady Sherylle" I said as i bow in front of them.

"Good Morning too Angelo come on have a seat"

"Thank you sir"

As we started eating quietly.


"What do you think you're wearing?" Lady Sherylle asked as she scan me from head to toe. What's wrong? I look handsome with my outfit today.

"Do you know it's a GIRLS day out and your coming with me wearing these? Oh come on" she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Why? is there any problem my Lady?"

"Yes! look at you ! you look so handsome and if my friends saw you, they will definitely harass you and you know that I don't want to share my property" Property? who? me? do i look like a things to her?

"If that's the problem my lady i can protect you from a far and by the way my Lady I'm not a thing i am your bodyguard" i replied.

"No! you can't do that! what if my kidnappers showed again? do you think you can protect me if your far?" she shouted.

"What do you want me to do?" i asked in a calm manner.

"i have a bright idea" and she flashed me her creepy smile. Why do i feel she will do something unnecessary to me? Is it a bad idea that i agreed to her?

*sigh* i have no choice if i don't agree with her, she will just nag me continuously.


"Are you kidding me?! you want me yo wear these?!

Being a guy is my disguise now so that they can't find me her and now she want me to wear this girl clothes?! Are kidding me?!

"Why? what's the problem with your feminine look i know it will look good on you" she said with a very cheerful voice and a pleading eyes and i look at her with 'are-you-kidding-me' look.

"Oh come on just this one" she said as she pushed me inside her bathroom.


"No buts" and she closed the door.

I have no choice but to wear this dress.

Oh what's these? A foam and a wig? are you kidding me?

*after 6 minutes*

"See?! i told you you look beautiful!"

"Hey what's with those eyeglasses?" she said with disappointed tone in her voice.

"Why do i look ugly?"

"No its just that, never mind come on let's go were going to be late. I don't want to be scolded by those brats" she said as she pulled me.

"Roger come on let's go" i opened the door for her and after she get in, i went to the passenger seat.

"Angelo? is that you? why on Earth" Roger asked. Roger is the family driver of Anderson's for 10 years and i think he's on his ,60's.

"Asked Lady Sherylle"

"Oh hahaha just don't mind her she really wants to have a baby sister but because the Master and Mistress is a very busy person, they don't have a chance to gave her a baby sister or brother"

"perks of being rich" i whispered.
