chapter one "HELP ME"

Life. You know... this unfair thing I was talking about, yeah; it's like a battlefield.

You either die trying, fight and face the consequences, or you just give up.

Except this isn't just one of my fiction stories now. This is real life and boy, it sucks!

It's strange how in one moment you can feel like you have everything and just like that...

Shaking, hidden under my thin sheet, I screamed and screamed.

They had it out for me and I had no idea why.


"Why are you doing this to me!" I screamed in my head

AS if it was a joke to them, I could hear them offering and handing out snacks, like they were celebrating?

"We are here to look after you forever" one of Them laughed evilly...

This just scared me more... What did they mean by forever..?

"if they wonder where she is, we'll say she's in the toilet"

Ten years earlier

In life you think you've got it all planned out, for me, however; my parents and my teacher decided what college I was going to go to. They had arranged that I stay with as many of my school friends as possible.

This made it easier but I was still nervous about entering a new place for the first time.

We were told that we needed two separate folders for our college work. We were put into three different groups and in my group, I had lots of my school friends who had decided to go to the same college.

I had my two wonderful best friends JF and BB with me and that made things a lot easier.

JF and BB were very popular, unlike me, but I stuck to them like glue.

JF got pregnant at 16 and had a little girl called A and was struggling to keep her and had to go through court to fight for her; the coolest part though was she'd made me her god mum.

My story doesn't really pick up until JF met and introduced me SZ.

What do you guys think about college (high school) though?

My opinion is that, although it's important for getting a job, your life doesn't really start until you have a traumatic event or in normal cases, get a job.