chapter three First Lie

When you think of friendships, you think that they will be genuine honest people; unfortunately for me, this wasn't the case. SZ was the biggest compulsive liar that I've ever met.

I wasn't aware of this at the time, in fact, he was like the best, best friend that you could find. Our friendship felt so good that it felt unreal. Little did I know that that's because IT WAS.

"so you promise you won't tell JF if I tell you this..?"

"I promise" I probably shouldn't have promised, l but at the time I didn't think much of it.

"I'm just using JF for her daughter"

I was shocked

"I actually have another girlfriend"

I know I should've probably told her but, how do you rat out another friend without hurting both of them, because if this I kept it a secret.

This still troubles me now, what would you have done? SZ was my new friend but JF was my best friend...

I stuck with keeping both friendships and I think that decision will haunt me forever.}