Story chapter
Hi guys,
Thanks for reading this chapter,
This chapter comes with a MAJOR trigger warning ⚠️
This involves self-harm methods. If you are easily triggered then I'd suggest you skip this chapter.
Chapter sixteen
I was on the verge of doing my duke of Edinburgh silver expedition when I was, unfortunately, admitted to hospital due to a deep infected self-harm wound.
My self-harm had got bad, I had now moved on from my belly button to my hernia scar on my hip; I opened it up with scissors ✂️ and it went very deep.
This caused an infection, the wound had to be dressed and packed every day to help it heal from the inside out; I was also put on IV antibiotics.
I stayed for four days and four nights, I think...
During this SZ contacted me on Wattpad. For those who don't know, Wattpad is an online writing site where you can build and grow your book; you can also read other people's and leave feedback on them.
I was angry at SZ but for some reason, I couldn't stop messaging him, even at college, when we saw each other, I froze for a while; I guess this is because we used to be so close and now there was just an empty gap there.
If you thought that being on IV antibiotics in the hospital wasn't bad enough; I was given strong antibiotics on discharge that caused diarrhoea and vomiting, not the actual virus, but felt like it.
I couldn't tolerate any food for liquids without being sick and the worst part was that I was camping at the time!
So I still had to get my wound dressed daily, I was constantly being sick with diarrhoea, AND I was camping; my mum had to learn how to be like a nurse and pack my wounds for me in a sterile way.
Once I got home, because I hadn't eaten for a week, I had no appetite and didn't want to eat either.
In the end, my mum had to pay my sisters to make sure I ate while she was at work.
They brought me sandwiches in cut into quarters into my room while I was in bed, I didn't know at the time that my mum was paying them; they also gave me Lucozade as well to try to make me drink.