Bad Blood

"Dad, what the hell? What were you thinking locking me up in my house like that?!" asked the young man in fury as he gestured towards himself.

It was now 9 pm, and most of the guards had left far earlier than that. The guard assigned to him-Grunt-decided that it was best if he stayed because he had a message to give to his father.

Clearly, it was confidential, because the two-his father and the guard-slammed the door in his face before he could enter the office.

It made him wonder what is it they were hiding.

Though he wouldn't be surprised if his father suddenly pops up out of nowhere to deliver the sad news.

He was always like that.

It's kinda ironic to him, how his father loves to deliver the worst type of news there is but can't accept when it's the other way around.

It's like karma but more fashionably.

"Zaiden, who are you talking to like that? Lower your tone or leave," ordered Ethan in a calm but stern voice, causing Zaiden to chuckle in frustration.