"Are you crazy?!"

Freddie sat in strained silence as the young boy walked around his chair observing him.

His face expressionless, hands clasped at his back and the sound of his heels contacting the wooden floor made sweat trickled down Freddie's face to his chest.

He couldn't pinpoint what made him terrified of the boy, but it has to be something serious for him to see the continuous flash of a burning house.

Shaking his head, blinking his eyes, it satisfied Freddie with his results. His vision was better off without seeing the flashes-even if blurry.

As far as he could tell, Wesley was likely to be asleep, maybe dreaming about his next meal, or he could be awake waiting patiently for someone to retrieve him for his cell.

But that was only a theory.

Freddie stiffened at the feeling of Luca's proximity to his ears. He heard the boy inhaled a sizeable amount of hair before breathing out, letting it into his right ear.