
Keith paused as he turned around. It was one thing for a girl to act clueless but it was another thing if one so intelligent as her was completely clueless. 

He felt like he wasn't making any sense or progress with her. He guessed that was one thing both she and his sister have in common, nothing too major which would cause heads to turn. 

That's if they were any left. Too much of one thing isn't good, they say, and it's true. 

"We're at the new base that you and your pals are going to be staying until this all blows over," he shrugs as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"My pals?" asked Victoria while giving an incredulous laugh.

Her hands were sitting on her chest as she stared at him in amusement. Her hair then framed her face as she shook her head, causing her hair tie to loosen, which had her hair tumbling down. 

Keith watched in fascination as all this happened, he was, what's the word? Hypnotized.