Your Ability To Fool Others Really Makes Me Have A New Level Of Respect For You

Goo Shengli sighed. "F*ck, they pissed me off. I'm not going to renew the contract anymore!"

"Huh?" Liang Zixuan caught the main point in his words. "Is your contract coming to an end?"

"Yeah. I signed a contract with the company when I was 14 years old. You know, I'm also a kid star, but I didn't have a lot of fame back then. I signed a contract with the company for ten years, and it happened to expire a few months ago. I think my company thinks that I've gotten ahead of myself, so they started focusing on other rookies."

The more he said, the angrier he became. "My company is too small, at most, it can only push me to this point. At this height, if they couldn't push me forward anymore, then they decided to focus on those newbies. I feel it's better for me to look elsewhere. There is no point in staying."