I Have A Brother, You Know

The facts had been proved before their eyes. Everything Liang Zixuan said became a reality.

Liang Zixuan didn't know how to explain this to Han Yuanjun. If she said that she was reborn, wouldn't this scare him to death?

He might start treating her like a monster!

Liang Zixuan didn't answer Han Yuanjun's question; instead, she cleverly changed the topic. "This Friday, are we still going to get the certificate?"

Han Yuanjun wasn't stupid. He knew that this girl was deliberately changing the topic, and since she didn't want to talk about it, he couldn't force her. Some things would only come to light if she wanted to talk about them herself.

If he kept forcing her to, it would only push her further and further away.

Han Yuanjun raised an eyebrow. "Of course, we have to get a certificate. I've been waiting a year for you. I'm already 31 years old, you can't possibly think of making me wait for you any longer, can you?"