I Can Only Calm Down When I See You With My Own Eyes

Military training was an essential course for every college student, and it was also a nightmare for them.

However, for the students of the Music Academy and the Drama Academy, military training wasn't so difficult.

Most of them practiced dancing from a young age. They had good bodies and weren't afraid of hard work.

On the first day of military training, Liang Zixuan didn't dare to be careless. She woke up early and didn't wear any makeup.

Imagine standing under the scorching sun, standing in a military stance, and running... No matter how subtle the makeup you wore, it'll eventually be ruined by sweat. So, what's the point of wearing it?

Although some luxury cosmetics were waterproof, they still made the wearers feel uncomfortable.

And since Liang Zixuan's skin was pretty good, she only needed to wipe her face with some refreshing warm water.