The Audition III

When Xu Yijun saw her leather jacket, his interest was immediately piqued. "Street dancing?"

When Jiang Yu saw that Xu Yijun had actually taken the initiative to talk to her, she was so excited that her face turned red. "Mmm, street dancing and singing!"

Xu Yijun clapped and smiled at her. "Finally, someone has come to wake me up."

Chen Zhihao was silent. No one could tell what his expression was.

Jiang Yu was dancing and singing. She made up the word herself and sang it. Her singing was a little bit elusive. Liang Zixuan had a nagging feeling that she was trying to imitate a great opera actor.

Zeng Zhelan's eyelids twitched. She leaned closer to Liang Zixuan's ear and whispered, "Do you understand what she's trying to say? Can this even be called singing?"