The Identity Of The Stalker

When Liang Jiahao saw Qin Yu fall to the ground and holding her waist with eyes red from the pain, he didn't know what to do.

He squatted down and reached out his hand to help Qin Yu up, but she pushed him away and scolded angrily, "Old pervert, don't touch me!"

Liang Jiahao's hand was pushed aside and he felt a little sad for some reason.

Qin Yu covered her waist and struggled to stand up. At this moment, the man who was beaten up by Qin Yu just now suddenly came over. He took off his sunglasses and mask, before saying to her with a face and a head full of bruises. "Qin Yu, it's me! Don't you know me?"

Qin Yu looked at him and said angrily, "How would I know you, you pervert!"

The man panicked. "It's me, Kang Yuhan! When we were young, we lived in the same courtyard and we were childhood sweethearts! Have you forgotten?"

Kang Yuhan?