The Wedding X

Hou Yingyi was frightened by Goo Shengli's words before. So when Goo Shengli asked him this question, his mind was completely muddled and he actually nodded his head. "Yes, yes."

Goo Shengli applauded. "You see, Brother Hou has already admitted, so hurry up and pay me back the money."

Hou Shihong glared at Goo Shengli sharply. He really wanted to slap him twice!

Thirty million for a bottle of wine?

That was a damn robbery!

"Goo Shengli." Hou Shihong restrained his anger and spoke politely to him. "You said the liquor was worth so much money, but how do we know it's worth that much? You cannot just say whatever you want without having proof, can you?"

Goo Shengli frowned. "Mr. Hou, are you saying that I am a liar? Do you think with my identity now, I'm going to rob you?"