Qin Yu Is Really Shameless

Shen Xieren treated everyone equally. No matter how unfamous they were, whether they knew each other or not, she always chatted with them in a friendly manner.

Qin Yu wasn't here. She was in her own private lounge. Xia Xiaolian had just arrived and came straight to the venue of the Gala.

"Qin Yu, today's makeup ... Is it still the same as last time?"

After what Shen Xieren's assistant had done last time, Xia Xiaolian almost lost confidence in herself.

Qin Yu gave her a warm smile. "Yes, just like before. Believe me, you're the best makeup artist I've ever worked with!"

Xia Xiaolian smiled, opened her makeup container, and began to put makeup on Qin Yu's face.

On the other hand, Shen Xieren didn't see Qin Yu, so she deliberately asked, "Where's Qin Yu? Didn't she leave before me? Why isn't she here yet?"