It Has Nothing To Do With Me

In this short period of time, Qin Yu not only lost an extremely low oxygen supply but also lost her temper. She could just put her hands down and let Liang Jiahao do whatever he wanted.

Fortunately, Liang Jiahao knew that they were still outside and did not overdo it with Qin Yu. He kissed her for a moment and then let her go.

"Praise me!" Liang Jiahao's thick skin would really scar Han Yuanjun for the rest of his life!

Qin Yu's face turned red as she glanced to the side. "Praising you for what?"

Could it be that he wanted her to praise his kissing skills?

Absolutely not!

Liang Jiahao licked his lips as if he wanted to continue kissing Qin Yu, and suddenly laughed softly, "What are you thinking? I am going to let you praise me for what I just did. Praising me for not letting you continue to suffer."

"Tch!" Qin Yu snorted indifferently. "My aunt did better than you."

Liang Jiahao: "..."