If She Sees Him With Another Woman, Won't She Cause Trouble Later?

Jiang Huifang was a little anxious. Ever since she started taking Hou Yingyi's money, she had taken the initiative to idolize the people of the Hou Family. Unless they didn't give her money or didn't give her enough money, then she would be rude and unreasonable. At other times, she was like a little sheep, without any temperament.

Sometimes Jiang Huifang felt sorry for herself whenever she thought of her life now.

Had she ever had to ask Wei Guowei for money when he was still around?

Back then, she could buy whatever she wanted and eat whatever she wanted. Unlike now, where she only had a small amount of money each month, causing her to think long and hard about whether to buy a piece of clothing.

Every time she thought about it, she got heartbroken.

She regretted that she had easily fallen into Liang Zixuan's trap and had Wei Guowei arrested.