Hidden Chess Pieces

Qian Zhong snorted. "Proceed."

The Public Relations Manager stood up and was about to say something, but Qian Zhong frowned and asked sternly, "Where is the operations manager? Why isn't he here?"

Qian Yazhu closed his eyes in frustration. He suppressed the fear in his heart for his father and said in a low voice, "I have fired him. His work was not very satisfactory, and I asked him to learn more deeply..."

"Fired him?" Qian Zhong looked at Qian Yazhu without anger, "What did he do wrong? Why did you fire him?"

Qian Yazhu did not dare to tell his father the truth.

He tugged on his tie impatiently, not daring to look into his father's eyes.

Qian Zhong snorted and looked at the Public Relations Manager.

The Public Relations Manager immediately reported the current situation on the Internet. He did not dare to tell them what he guessed in his heart.