Don’t Tell Him About This

Liang Zixuan's eyes widened in surprise and she immediately understood.

Jia Qiulian sneered, "When I lived in the United States, I often went to his place. Sometimes, when I did not have time to go home and was late for my class, I would shower and sleep at his place. There were many times he wanted to do it with me, but I did not want to, and he could not do anything either. I always thought that since he loved me, he would respect me, but I really did not think he would install a camera in the bathroom. When I was taking a shower, he was actually outside, watching!"

"Scum!" Liang Zixuan could not help but curse, "How can this person be like this? I never thought that a man could be so baseless! What kind of scum is he? Why is he still alive? A person like him should have met with King Yama!"

Liang Zixuan was really angry, she was truly furious.

As a woman, she also did not want her privacy to be seen by others.