Don't Delude Yourself Into Thinking You Can't Beat Me, Because You Can't!

Jia Qiulian was checking the status of the movie screening with Han Cihui. The box office collection was not bad, and the feedback from netizens was also very good. In other words, them who were already rich continued to get rich.

At this time, Jia Qiulian suddenly received a text message from Zhao Kang. When she saw the message, her face turned pale. When Han Cihui turned to her, she hurriedly put the phone back in her pocket.

"What's wrong?" Han Cihui's concerned look made Jia Qiulian feel a little sad. She bit her lip and forced herself to smile. "It's nothing. I'm just a little cold."

There was a heater and many people in the conference room. Even though it was very cold outside, it wasn't cold at all inside.

Han Cihui knew that Jia Qiulian was lying to him, but he didn't expose her. Instead, he took off his coat and put it on her shoulders. "Wear more clothes next time you go out. Don't let yourself get sick."