Are You Completely Indifferent To Her Feelings?

"Mom, I'm fine." Jia Qiulian could barely speak the word 'mom'. Her heart turned bitter when she thought about never being able to call Zhang Xiuying that again after she divorced Han Cihui.

When Zhang Xiuying saw Jia Qiulian's injured fingers, she became sad. She turned around and scolded Han Cihui. "Why don't you help her? Why do you let your wife do all the work alone? As her husband, aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

Han Cihui said nothing and stood up. He went to the sofa in the corner and sat down to lower his presence.

However, Zhang Xiuying clearly did not want to let him go. She continued to scold him. "Qiulian often takes care of you outside. Your food, your comfort, your accommodation. Which of these does she not take care of? When you come home, can't you help her with the house chores? Do you really treat Qiulian as your babysitter? Are you completely indifferent to her feelings?"