

The next morning arrives and intense knocks hit the door of room 27, waking all. Rinka, groggy, opens the door.

Sumairu, giddy, and Doa, groggy as well, are present.

Sumairu: Hello! Let's go train!

Rinka yawns, and promptly conceals it with his palm.

Rinka: … Okay.

Minaro, Rinka, Doa and Sumairu are outside now, eating sandwiches and holding small bottles of orange juice, right in front of a standard jade green gate, beyond it, many combined and large hills, some made of stone. A parted autumn forest on it all.

Sumairu: This is Maligan Mountain! We'll be training here… It's a great place to indulge and get stuff done!

Sumairu is sitting on a flat rock, seriously observing Rinka fidget with his blade.

Sumairu: … Alright, so currently, you can't bring the skill out? At all?

Rinka: Yeah, I can't.

Sumairu: … Are you thinking about it very hard?

Rinka: Very hard. I think I'm getting a migraine.

A skill is activated when you think hard about using it.

Sumairu: … Okay… This probably won't work but try yelling the name of the skill. Maybe that'll get some cogs turning.

Rinka: Okay.

Rinka holds up and grips his blade, determined.

Rinka: The Void!

Nothing happens.

Sumairu: Louder, man. Scream like you just got your toe ripped off.

Rinka: … THE VOID!

Again, nothing regarding the skill happens, but a loopy yelp and hard thud are promptly heard in the distance.


Rustling, and from behind a bush comes out, a guy with long, ivory white spiked hair outlined by light turquoise. He has celeste and teal pajamas on, eyes black, mixed with the same color palette. He's vexed.


Rinka gazes, nonplussed, and Sumairu rises eagerly, hands ready to hug.

Sumairu: Oh! Homeless guy! I forgot you live here!


Sumairu looks at Rinka.

Sumairu: This guy's kinda cuckoo, but he's chill. He just loiters around here.

He looks back at the guy, who's singularly calmed down now, mellow, basically forgot he was even angry.

"I'm not homeless, dude."

He points at a small tree.

"That's my house."

Sumairu: … That's a tree … You're homeless, man.

"... Whatever dude… What was that yell for?"

His anger starts to return.


Sumairu places his hand on Rinka's shoulder.

Sumairu: We're training, man! There were just a couple of mishaps that led to some yelling. Sorry for waking you up!

Nothing is said for a moment.

"... Okay, I forgive you… I'm gonna go now, and hopefully somewhere far away where I can't be woken up again."

The guy turns and begins to walk away, Sumairu's interest rises when he notices an electric blue sword tied to his back with a vastly thin rope.

Sumairu: Woah! Wait! Homeless guy, you have a sword?

The guy glances back at him.

"Yeah, It's good to have one."

Sumairu ponders for a moment.

Sumairu: … Can I ask you for a favor, man?

The guy looks dull.

Sumairu: Could you help me train this dude? You see, for some reason he can't use his skills, and I was thinking if you have a little brawl with him maybe the skill will come out!

"... You fight him… I'm good. I wanna sleep. Too early for any tussling."

He turns and starts moving again.

Sumairu: … If you help I'll let you live in the Skill Center.

He pauses.

"... Do I get free food?"

Sumairu: … Sure!

He turns around, now super delighted.

"Yummy snacks, and not having to sleep on an uncomfortable ass branch! Hell yeah!"

Sumairu: Alright! Glad to have your help!

He slowly and struggling, removes the blade off his back, and extends his hand toward Rinka for a handshake. Rinka reciprocates.

"I'm Imma-ite! And I'm gonna kick your ass! And hopefully that'll get that pesky skill of yours out!"

He stares awkwardly.

Rinka: Okay… Thanks.

Sumairu takes a seat on the flat rock, and monitors happily.

Rinka and Imma-ite, at a distance from each other, hold their blades up assuredly, and dash, and for 10 minutes, clash intensely. Hands are also thrown in the brawl.

The brawl comes to an end and the two are on the ground, exhausted.

Rinka: … That shit was pointless, my skill didn't come out at all.

Imma-ite: … Yeah.

Imma-ite rises and awkwardly stretches, cracking an absurd amount of bones. He looks over at Sumairu.

Imma-ite: I did all I could man, I'm going to sleep.

He lays back down and gets himself comfy. Sumairu and Rinka look at each other.

Sumairu: … The skill still hasn't come out, huh?.. I really do think battling is the key, maybe you just need a better opponent!

He stands, exhilarated.

Sumairu: I will fight you, Rinka!

Rinka: … Okay… Give me like 5 minutes though, I'm dying.

Sumairu chuckles faintly, and suddenly, an ear piercing, blood curdling scream travels through the area, shocking all.

Imma-ite violently jumps, he's fretful for a second then extremely mad.


Sumairu: That wasn't us, moron.

Sumairu looks around.

"I should probably go find who that was. They could be in serious danger."