

The next morning has come, in the living room, everyone's up and attentive, except Imma-Ite, who's laying on the floor. They're all looking at Sumairu, who's giddy and holding a small white board, blue marker included.

Sumairu: Alright! Listen up, peeps! I've got some important stuff to share!

He tries to write something on the board but nothing comes out of the marker. He makes a face.

Sumairu: Oh, no way! I have like 1000 markers and I managed to grab one that doesn't work!

He quickly throws the junky items somewhere else behind him, and claps.

Sumairu: Anyways, today's training is going to be special, super special!.. I'm sending you all on a very dangerous mission!

Eyes broaden.

Imma-Ite: Huh!? Why am I included!? I don't need training!

Sumairu: … You do, all of you do. I won't elaborate further… Anyhow, have you guys heard of the infamous group of murderers, "The Skillers?"

No words are uttered, just a lot of head shaking.

Sumairu: Well, they're nasty killers and are frequently roaming around! And we're gonna hunt some of them down!

Rinka: … Okay.

Doa: … Okay, two.

After those two responses, long silence lingers.

Sumairu: … It'll be amazing training, guys! Trust me.

Imma-Ite: … Count me out of that shit, man! I don't need any damn training, and I'm not trying to die either!

Maya scratches her head.

Maya: … I don't know, I don't think I'm ready.

Sumairu looks a little fed up.

Sumairu: … It may sound scary, guys, and it might be, but for every Skiller we kill or catch, we get a bunch of money!

Faces perk up.

Imma-Ite: Oh, money?.. I like money.

Sumairu: Yeah, don't we all?.. It's 500,000 for each Skiller, at least that's what the Guardians promised me.

Faces are shocked.

Imma-Ite: 500,000!? Where are these Skillers at!? I'll kill them all!

Maya: The Guardians? Who the heck are The Guardians?

Sumairu: Oh, The Guardians? They're a group of really amazing and strong people, whose job is to protect everyone! Kinda like me.

Sumairu digs through his robe pouch and pulls out his phone. He starts typing awkwardly, like an old man new to technology.

Sumairu: … Minaro, surprisingly, yesterday, we forgot to ask what happened to you at Maligan… What happened?

Minaro: … Maligan? Oh, I was attacked by some dude, and I beat him. That's it.

Sumairu: … Yeah? Do you happen to remember what he looked like?

Minaro: Kind of… He had no shirt on and a bunch of bandages all over him.

Sumairu's face lights up.

Sumairu: … Wow.

He walks over to Minaro and shows him his phone screen. It's a semi-blurry photo of Yoshanai standing with lots of random information under it.

Minaro: That looks like him.

Sumairu: I think you beat a Skiller, man!

Minaro: … Cool.

Sumairu chuckles.

Sumairu: Rank 8 too, pretty impressive!

Doa, Rinka, and Maya come up, scanning the screen.

Doa: … They have a website dedicated to the Skillers?

Sumairu: Yeah! They've got some low-quality photos and some arbitrary info here.

Sumairu scrolls. Maya squints and notices the frequent words, "Rank 8", under the many photos of Yoshanai.

Maya: Their name is Rank 8?

Sumairu: Oh. No. The Guardians don't know their names, so they just number them, or at least I think that's the reason… There's 20 Skillers.

Sumairu puts his phone back into his pocket and places a hand on Minaro's shoulder.

Sumairu: … Say, I'm pretty confident in our ability to take these Skillers down! If Minaro was capable of beating one by himself, we can totally do it together!

Ashi nervously raises her hand.

Ashi: Um, Mr. Sumairu… I don't know how to fight at all, do I have to do this?

Sumairu freezes for a second.

Sumairu: Oh. Then… You'll stay here, and do some beginner training… You'll go on the next mission.

He scans the area.

Sumairu: So, you six ready? I'm sending you on this mission right now!

Imma-Ite: 6? There's only 5 of us. Unless you're coming too?

Sumairu: I'm not going… He is.

He points at a present black cat rubbing its head on Maya's foot. She squeals happily and quickly picks it up, and begins rubbing her face on its body.

Imma-Ite: A fuckin cat!?

Doa is a little perplexed.

Doa: Bukkaru? Why the heck is he coming?

Sumairu: Because! Trust me! That cat can fight! He scratched me super hard once!

Everyone stares at Sumairu uncouthly.

Imma-Ite: You lazy motherfucker! You should be coming with us!

Sumairu holds his shoulder and stretches his arms.

Sumairu: I would go, but I have things like taxes and work to do!.. The cat really is useful though, he's got teleportation in his arsenal.

He looks over at Ashi.

Sumairu: Alright Ashi, let's go train you up!.. As for the rest of you, go on the mission!

Back in the wicked cherry site, within a room containing nothing but many wooden chairs, mirrors, and some neat posters, Yoshanai is evidently speaking to a small crowd of 7.

Yutsu: Alright, I brought you all here for one reason. I have found 2 new Black Blood Bearers.

"You want us to kill them, right?"

Yutsu: No actually, we're not going to kill them, at least not yet. What I want you guys to do is to go and hang out at your favorite locations and let the two bearers find you.

"... Uh huh. Next?"

Yutsu: Fight them, but don't kill them.

Doa is using her phone, she's on the Skiller website.

Doa: They're missing 1 of the Skillers here, Rank 9. They don't have a single image of them, or any exact info… What do we do about that?

Rinka: … I don't know, we'll figure it out later.

Doa: … Okay, so, If we're gonna hunt these Skillers down, then we should start with the first one, and Rank 2? And maybe even Rank 3? It says here that they may be siblings so there's a chance they'll be together.

Rinka: How do we find them?

Doa: Uh, here it lists the most popular areas they've been repeatedly seen at. I guess we should just go to each one?

Rinka: Yeah, we'll do that… So where do we go first?

Doa: Ordena.

Rinka views Imma-Ite and Maya.

Rinka: So are you two actually gonna come with us?

They give thought to his words.

Maya: … Screw it! I'll go! I want to be useful!

Imma-Ite: … I'll die of boredom here, so I guess I'll go.

Everyone is gathered, Bukkaru appears to be concentrating, or sleeping.

Rinka: … Animals can have Skills?

Doa: Yeah. I've heard that it's really rare though. Bukkaru is one of a kind!

Imma-Ite: … Buckaroo? I like that name.

Just then, purple covers them all, and moments later, they're in a mucky alleyway. Everyone is agape.

They walk out of the alley and see aged stone buildings and compact wooden stores everywhere. Lots of people are sauntering.

Imma-Ite: So like, do we just walk around and hope we find Skillers.

Rinka: Yeah. I guess?

Imma-Ite: Alright then, I'm off to explore.

He darts off and the gang just gawk.

Rinka: … You guys just wanna follow him?

They nod.

For about 20 minutes, the gang nonchalantly walked around, inspecting the countless souvenirs they could buy.

In the end, they lie against a wall.

Imma-Ite: I'm super bored! Can we go somewhere else?

Before anyone can respond, screaming and yelling suddenly take over. People are running and hiding, except three calm individuals obscured by the horde. The gang's befogged.

As the area emptied, The three figures could be seen better. They all have Medium Turquoise hair, 2 have it long, one short, 2 are male, one female. She yells, quizzical.

"Has anyone seen some Black Blood Bearers around here!?"

The gang glance at each other recurrently. They tense up a little.

Doa: Those are Skillers. Rank 1, 2, and 3!

Rinka: Oh shit.

Imma-Ite: We kill them, right?

Doa: Yeah, kill or capture.