

Hours have passed. The gang's all seated at or near the timber table, casually eating pizza, when knocking on the door interrupts, so Rinka rises to open it.

Sumairu, waving and full of glee as always, and timid Ashi walk in.

Sumairu: Hey guys! How did the mission go? Did anything interesting happen?

Imma-Ite enthusiastically stands up.

Imma-Ite: We kicked a bunch of ass!

The enthusiasm spreads to Sumairu.

Sumairu: Yeah!? Wow! I wish I could have seen you guys in action!

It's silent for a moment.

Rinka: … Hey, Sumairu.

He turns.

Rinka: I created some "Skill To Weapon" techniques, like you told me to.

Sumairu: Oh? Really? Show me one!

Rinka unhurriedly pulls his katana out from his pocket, and Sumairu is a little befuddled.

Sumairu: Rinka, I just noticed. How the heck does your katana fit in your pocket?

Rinka: Hm? Oh. It's my other skill, I call it "Big Pocket." I've got infinite space in my pants! Anyways, look at this.

"Edged Darkness."

The technique goes off and Sumairu looks delighted.

Sumairu: That's awesome!

Rinka: Yeah! Also, this isn't the only technique I created! I can also bring out a big black chain, and even turn myself into lightning and speed around!

Sumairu: Turn yourself into lightning!? That's insane, and even more awesome!

He chuckles and turns back around to the others, becoming sedate.

Sumairu: … So, did you guys kill or capture the Skiller?

Doa: Skillers, plural. There were three, and we killed them.

Sumairu: Ooh. You guys took on three!? Okay. Did you guys get any skills?

Imma-Ite points at Minaro.

Imma-Ite: I think Mineral might have gotten one.

Minaro: I didn't.

Imma-Ite: Oh.

Sumairu: Bummer.

Another silent moment passes.

Rinka: Sumairu.

He turns again.

Rinka: I have another technique, this one's odd because I don't even really remember creating it… But with it, I was able to see the past of one of the Skillers.

Sumairu: Oh. That's… Interesting. I'll make a note of it.

He turns one more time.

Sumairu: Anyways, I've got an announcement!

He rubs his hands together for an instant.

Sumairu: So my belief in the fact that you guys can take down Skillers has increased greatly... Which is why I want you to split into 2 teams, we can take down Skillers faster like that!

Everyone's silent.

Sumairu: … Minaro, you'll be the leader of the first team, and Rinka, you'll be the leader of the second. Now go ahead and choose who you want in your squad.

More quietude arises.

Minaro: … I'll take Maya, Imma-Ite, and Bukkaru.

Sumairu: Okay, and you, Rinka?

Rinka and Doa are dumbly staring at each other, and eventually, they both giggle.

Rinka: I'll take Doa.

Just then, Sumairu grasps Ashi's shoulder, she yelps, and he pulls her closer.

Sumairu: You'll also be taking Ashi!

Rinka: … Okay.

Sumairu: Alright then! Everything's set. Do whatever you want now guys!.. I'll see y'all later!

Sumairu walks out, Ashi is invited to sit at the table by Doa, and everyone continues eating pizza peacefully.

But like a minute later, Imma-Ite speaks.

Imma-Ite: … I've got a question for all of you.

Everyone looks at him.

Imma-Ite: … Where did you guys learn to fight!? Like I said earlier, we kicked ass!

He chuckles, and the others smile. His eyes are on Rinka.

Rinka: Um, me and Minaro learned to fight at home. We were trained, and even fought each other sometimes!

He nods, and his eyes move to Maya.

Maya: My family used to hunt, and they wanted my help, so they taught me how to fight.

He nods again, and now his eyes are on Doa. Abruptly, his expression changes to an unamused one.

Imma-Ite: The, you didn't actually fight, really, all you did was shoot bullets, and they all missed!

She sighs.

Doa: Yeah… I can fight though! Trust!

Imma-Ite chuckles once more, and then glances at Minaro.

Imma-Ite: …Say, Mineral, why'd you put me on your team? We've never even talked.

Minaro: … Just because… Is there a problem?

Imma-Ite: Oh. Not at all. I was just curious.

More hours pass. Rinka, Minaro, and Imma-Ite are sitting on a couch, chatting.

Minaro: I learned something very cool about my rift skill.

Rinka: What is it?

Minaro: Let me show you.

A rift appears beside Minaro, he sticks his arm into it, pulls out a blue hoodie identical to the one Rinka has on, and hands it to him.

Rinka is a little astounded.

Rinka: … Cool. So It's not just space stuff that you can bring out of your rifts?

Minaro: Yeah. I'm pretty sure I can bring out anything I'd like, as long as I have the energy.

Imma-Ite butts in, intrigued.

Imma-Ite: Anything!? That's insane!

Minaro laughs faintly and smiles awkwardly.

Minaro: You know, I found this out because I ran out of toilet paper so I stuck my hands into a rift, and just prayed, and I got some. Then I tried other shit.

Rinka: Wow.

Imma-Ite: Hey, can you bring out money!? Or food!?

Minaro: Probably.

He sticks his arm into the rift again and pulls out a dollar and fry.


Imma-Ite takes the fry and eats it. But leaves the dollar in Minaro's palm.

Rinka: … Dude, you've got like the best skill in the world. Lucky bastard.

Minaro chuckles softly.

Additional hours elapse, It's around 1 AM now. Doa, dozy, walks out of a room in a pink, cutesy pajama. She spots the kitchen light on, Rinka propped near the counter, and Minaro settled at the table, so she heads over, curiously, and is now at the stand.

Doa: Hi, what are you guys doing?

Rinka: We're just chillin.

Minaro nods his head.

Doa: … Okay. I'll chill too.

She takes a seat and watches Rinka, who is making a very odd sandwich as its only filling is cream cheese. This confuses her greatly.

Doa: Rinka. What the hell is up with your sandwich?

Rinka: Huh?

Rinka giggles.

Rinka: Nothing?

Doa: Why's it look like that? What's in it?

Rinka: Cream cheese.

Doa: What the fuck?

Rinka: What?.. It's actually really good dude. You should try it.

He grabs the snack and offers it to Doa. She's hesitant to interact, and laughs.

Doa: … No? It looks nasty.

Rinka: It's not, I swear. It's super good! Eating it will change your life, dude!

She leers at him for a bit and then sighs and takes the snack.

Doa: Okay, I'll try it. But it better not kill me! And If I don't like it, you owe something.

Rinka: Why would it kill you? It's cream cheese, not fentanyl.

She laughs again and bites into the sandwich, and a few seconds later, her eyes light up, and she covers her mouth so that she can speak.

Doa: Damn. It's really good.

Rinka smiles.

Rinka: I told you, bro.

Night passes, it's morning now, and the living room is the active spot. Rinka, Doa, and Ashi are gathered, everyone else is doing their own thing.

Rinka: Uh, I think we should go on a mission today. Right now, actually.

Doa: I'm down.

Ashi fiddles with her hands and avoids eye contact.

Ashi: … Okay. I'm d- down too. But remember I'm not good at fighting.

Rinka: That's fine. Me and Doa will do the fighting!

Doa: Yup!

Doa pulls out her phone, and taps away, the two watch her for a moment.

Doa: Alright, so the next Skiller we should go after is Rank 4. Supposedly, she lives in the biggest house in Wepo and her most prominent feature is her purple hair.

Rinka: Okay. Well, let's go get her!

Wepo is a lustrous town tinted by violet, situated in a large, majestic jungle, and surrounded by enormous mountains full of life. The average houses are on the ground and the best houses are on the trees and summits.

Bukkaru's teleportation ball fades out and Rinka, Doa, and Ashi are now in Wepo.

The biggest house in Wepo sits by itself, it's mostly mauve and decorated by many lights, it's under the biggest tree on the biggest mountain, overlooking all.

Inside of it, Rank 4 resides, she's an alluring woman with Mountain's Majesty Purple bangs, and a spider-like ponytail. Her eyes, combined Dark Magenta and Navy Blue, are like marvelous gems. The Bright Pink sweater she's got on stops at the very start of her legs, and Mardi Gras Purple thigh-highs follow, adding to her allure.

She walks up to a maroon sofa, where Yutsu is reclining, and hands him a water bottle.

Yutsu: … Huh, the kid's here. You should go introduce yourself.

Rank 4: … He's not alone… I can't kill the kid, but I can kill his friends, right?

Yutsu: Yeah, you can… Maybe the death of one of his buddies will make him stronger… But didn't you tell me you never wanted to kill anyone again?

Rank 4: I did. But these kids are trying to kill me, right? So it's only fair that I do the same.

Yutsu opens the bottle and chugs.