Komire later deactivated his blades only when the clones lowered their own weapons, after a LONG debate back and forth on "whom was responsible for what". giving enough time for the two fleeing girls to lose the clone persuers that weren't held up by Komire at the time.
Meanwhile, Skywalker wasn't sitting idle either in the Jedi temple and, along with Captain Rex, had done their own investigation within the temple, and found some rather odd things leading up to the bombing... very odd.
But what they believe to have discovered shocked the once proud Jedi, and even the Sentinel behind them sent to accompany the two, although it was hidden rather efficiently by the Gaurds mask.
When the two girls, Ahsoka and Ventress, had lost their pursuers, the had wound up near a small loading dock that was used for Cargo drop off. The two were still sceptical of Komire, but after seeing him attempt to hold back the Security Forces pursuing them, they felt slightly more at ease.
"OK, Padawan, would you like to explain who the masked Jedi was, now?" Ventres asked Ahsoka while they rested for a few behind a stack of food-stuff cargo crates. making sure to keep an eye on the surrounding area, as several droids nearby moved cargo towards a ship further down the landing pad.
Ahsoka thought for a moment, and ultamatly sighed in exasperation, "He was the one I told you we found on the mission prior to the Bombing of the Temple."
Looking towards Ventres, Ahsoka sees that her once enemy, turned ally, was both suprised by the answer, and curious.
"What was it like being around him for so long... he doesn't feel like anyone else I've ever felt through the Force, and he seems so... young?"
Ahsoka and Ventres, continue to talk about their previous savior, as more and more questions popped up between the two. Questions they wanted to ask the 'Je'dai' when they met again.
Ahsoka, and Ventres, later started 'borrowing' speeder-cars, and other vehicles as they made their way towards the Temple grounds. The closer they got, the more uneasy the two felt... one had been so twisted by revenge for supposed abandonment, while the other was framed for a action she did not do.
Wasting a bit of time, to 'center themselves', Ventres brought the 'borrowed' craft down on the outskirts of the Coruscanti Holy ground. The spires of the Temple looming over their current position, and putting quite some pressure on the two the closer they got. several people saw them, but without knowing who they were the people continued along with their daily lives, and tasks.
On their way, they had a stroke of luck befall them, as they seemed to just so happen to run headlong into Skywalker and his group while they were searching the mid-level of the surrounding district. with the help of the Sentinel, and the fact that Ventress voluntarily surrendered herself to prove her claims of not being the bomber, or an accomplice alongside Ahsoka. The group did have to put both the girls in cuffs, as the proper procedure needed to be followed with the Sentinel standing over them.
they quickly make their way back to the temple, to see a rather bored Komire surrounded by all of the Jedi council members who were present in the Temple currently, a half dozen Jedi knights, and about a dozen Clone A.R.C. troopers, which all had their weapons held and ready for anything to happen.
there was even a repeating blaster turret aimed in Komire's direction as well, not that it fazed the egnimic man.
"Finnaly, took you long enough... honestly I'm sick of these guys, they have no style, and honestly... they are incredibly lazy, can we go solve this case already?" Komire said rather 'Excitedly' upon seeing Skywalker and Ahsoka.
Komire though was slightly nervous, with all the weapons placed on him... he may survive sure, but that still doesn't help him in his relearning of his powers... he wasnt quite confident enough to win against such a large force with his current strength. The limiter that he had, only exasperated the matter, as he had to either spend the time to start from scratch in the Force abilities he wanted to learn, or complete random tasks it would place before Komire. Even when they were standing there, Komire was attempting to relearn 'Force Empathy'... which would allow him to read opponents easily within a battlefield, by sensing their intentions through the Force.
Komire found that function of his Limiter annoying, since it blocked most of the memories of all his previous abilities except the beginning stages of learning them, so he had a much harder time using the abilities until he either 'unlocked' them, or 'relearned' them. This was a tedious process, but the further he advanced, the more he understood his powers within the Starwars universe.
When Komire saw the arriving party, he very subtly expanded his control over Mecha-dura, and disabled the blasters he could without being detected, and if he couldnt deactivate them, he forced them into their 'stun' mode. Doing all of this was rather quick, but he also had to do it directly under the nose of so many Jedi, while trying to use Force Empathy to 'see' if his actions were noticed... it was stress inducing to say the least, but he actually did it within a few seconds of speaking to the approaching group. The reason so many were surrounding Komire at the time though, goes hand in hand, with the way Komire insulted the Council when he was brought back before them around an hour after Ahsoka, and Ventres' escape.
Master Yoda was probably the only one that looked to have actually understand Komires misgivings from what he could see, and although he used to like the whole 'mystery' of the Council from the movies back on Earth... he was greatly disappointed in what he was witnessing both in the Council chamber, and the Temple itself.
With the council members, and A.R.C. troopers accompanying them, (p.s. there are only Kit Fisto, Ki Adi Mundi, Mace Windu, Aayla Secura, Plo-Koon, and Master Yoda, whom was floating around in a small hover chair from the Jedi council on the planet of Coruscant at this time.) they made their way towards a small residential hall... mainly to the confusion of the council members, but the understanding of both Ventres, and Skywalker.
Stopping before one of the many dormitory halls, Komire turns to Skywalker, "you want the honors Padawan?"
"I would yes, but I am not a Padawan you old relic", Skywalker said with his left eye twitching slightly in irritation; But behind that annoyed facadé, was a grateful man, that valued the new Je'dai before him than most of the council members... After all, the man had attempted something that only Skywalker was willing to do... prove Ahsoka's innocence.
Although he wasn't sure if it was because of Komire s personality being cold and efficient, or the fact that he was rather eccentric at odd times, making him seem MORE real than most if not all the Jedi within the order... excluding Obi-wan of course... But that only made Skywalker's opinion of the man increase ever more.
Komire merely stood back a few dozen meters, and waited with all the anxiously twitching Jedi, and their Clone securities. not long after entering... maybe a few minutes at most, Skywalker and Barris Offee emerged with lightsabers drawn, and in full combat...
Within Barris's hands, to the astonishment of the Jedi behind Komire, were Ventress' stolen lightsabers... the scene stunned the viewing audience of Jedi, and even the clones were unsure if they were ment to act at this point or not. Although Ahsoka saw before her who had stolen Ventres' sabers, and framed her, she was both heartbroken, and shocked.
Ventres on the other hand, couldnt help but let out some of her murderous feelings through the Force. She had merely wanted to try and escape the war, and was now being used again like some pawn.
Komire merely looked at the fight that progressed down the hall, breaking through a window onto a veranda, and down to a saber training field where about a dozen padawans, with a few training Teachers resided. Sighing heavily, he draws his gold and silver hilt from his waist, and walked towards the window, as he did so, the group behind him also followed suit. Jumping down directly between the two dueling force users, the impact, and the use of Force push on Komires feet, separated both the two, and provides Komire an intimidating position within the unfolding events.
While several plans went through his head, Komire stands straight in the spot he landed... while Bariss was off to his right, and Skywalker his left.
With a Snap-hiss of his blade that gave a deep THRUUUM, almost simmiler in tone to a suppresed Turbo-Laser... at least within the moderately silent courtyard. Komire stood between the younger Barris and the elder Skywalker, and struck a rather imposing figure for all watching. As the two seemingly forgot that their was people around them, they didn't think anyone would have immediately broken apart their duel... one that Barris was hoping would ellivate her worth in her dark masters mind if he had come to learn of these events...
"Rather disappointing performance for a Sith wanna-be, Barris Offee..." Komire says as he turns his helmets visor towards the young girl,"... I have fought even Darth Revan himself, and what you have shown is but teachings of Sith shocktroopers... nothing more than trash skills of the Dark side of the force, is that all you have to show after abandoning your past? (sigh)... pathetic.... so Kriffing disappointing"
As everyone had their senses enhanced through the Force, even the Council members above were shocked... and through these small, but rather powerful words, Komire's SYSTEM had sent him another alert involving his current objective... Although these system messages were optional, Komire took a quick peek anyways. Seeing nothing of note, Komire chooses to ignore the message just like the rest he has seen so far.
Bringing his lightsaber up in a similar poise to the "Ring Wraiths" from The Lord of the Rings, Komire turns slowly towards Barris
taking slow methodical steps towards her, he slowly exerted pressure through the Force upon her while he walked... after all, he had a show to put on.
Not many people watching understood the significance of Zverian's pose or understand it's significance, but when Bariss lunged at him, he gracefully twisted the blade in his hands, performing an elegant parry and block, back to back as Bariss attempted to barrage the Armored man before her to death. Bariss was getting more agitated as time passed, because no mater how she struck, she was blocked, parried, countered, and ultimately overshadowed in pure lightsaber play, by a man no older than she herself is.
Up in the overveiwing Jedi council, Master Yoda and Mace Windu's expressions both hardened, and darkened... it may not be well known, but Bariss was a padawan expected to take the Jedi knight trials soon, and was even recommended by her Master Luminara Unduli.
To see her as the traitor was greatly disturbing to them. However, the young Ahsoka Tano watched on, unable to take her eyes from the graceful and domanearing lightsaber play of the ancient Je'dai Komire, even if she was currently cuffed beside Ventres due to previous suspicion.
But unknown to everyone present, master Yoda was MORE troubled by the revelation that Komire had let slip. Darth Revan was just one of the greatest blackspot on the Jedi Order, as far as traitors to the order were concerned, and Komire was said to have fought the ancient Jedi turned Sith Lord. this revelation greatly bothered the small green Grandmaster. Because that would mean that this lost Je'dai would hence be the true Grandmaster of the order, predating Yoda himself by several milenia.
Down on the training field, the Jedi masters that had been teaching the younglings stared in awe at Komire's bladework. the Younglings however, were baffled...many of them thought...'was this a demonstration'.... and the rest just stared blankly at the two dueling.
There was one master that stood to the side, enraptured by the swordplay used. and mere moments after the deathly battle began, she went into an enlightened trance... the dancing blades seemingly hypnotising her... Her silver hair, slowly swaying in the breeze within the courtyard.