looking at the small children's confusion before him, Komire busts out laughing into the once pregnant silence that enveloped the room at his previous statement... The Jedi observing from outside the room had darkening looks hearing Komire, believing he was laughing at them, but soon grew attentive at His following words.
"Dont take it so literally, and just think..." Komire says still somewhat laughing at the situation before him... and the sheer stupidity of the Order for promoting their Doctrine in such a way.
"... what is the first form of communication that you can recall from your history lessons with the Grand Librarian, one that the Galaxy has evolved and reformed over existence itself, it is there you find your answer..." at this point, Komire completley mellows back down enough to sound stern.
The surrounding jedi were paying rapt attention to him at this point as he was acting like the seasoned Master they all heard he was from the rumors and second hand information spreading around the Clone Gaurds in the temple... even if he seemed rather 'odd' to them, "... It is neither complicated, nor difficult, it's simply Dancing."
The Jedi were sceptically looking to one another, as well as a few of the onlookers shrugging to one another, and so with a now tired sigh, Komire turned towards Ahsoka, " Could you lead the way to a training field where I could demonstrate for our young class?"
Ahsoka nodded, and began leading the way. only for Ahsoka to stop at the door... stunned at seeing the crowd outside... and it's only then the rooms occupants notice them as well, however it doesn't faze Komire in the slightest as he could 'see' the slowly increasing group through the Force.
"Come on Apprentice, this will also be your first lesson." Komire says, prompting Ahsoka to walk forward with great vigor at her new Masters words, with Komire following behind. As they leave, the younglings look towards Master Obi-wan, and seeing him motion for them to follow, they quickly scamper to catch up to the two... the large crowd following behind them.
"Anakin, a moment..." Obi-wan says, grasping Skywalker's shoulder just before he left through the doors after the retreating backs of the group, "... you have a lot to tell me my former padawan... and its time you do."
Anakin sighs and faces his old master, "let's start with that weird planet we found..."
After arriving in a large barren courtyard, where some Jedi padawans dueled off in the periphery, one very similar to the one Bariss was punished in previously. Komire walked to the center of the large clearing, then turned to face the Jedi. looking around, Komire spots Obi-wan and Skywalker approaching the rear of the group having completed their discussion, and making their way to the front beside the children. Over Forty Jedi, and around a dozen younglings all watched Komire as he stood there in the center of a mall dueling platform.
"For this lesson, I will first demonstrate with a partner, however I will point out what I do to those unable to understand."
Komire motioned for Ahsoka to step forward, and even motioned Anakin as well...
"Skywalker here will be the judge, as he has more true combat experience than most, if not all of you present besides the Masters in the back."
The audience, finding nothing wrong with Komires' words, remained attentive... slowly drawing more people from the surrounding area over to partake of these 'lessons'.
Seeing everyone's focus was centered on him and Ahsoka, Komire begins by igniting his violet blade and carving a three meter diameter circle around him, then proceeded to shut down his blade and pass both of his Lightsabers to Anakin.
"I will not be using my sabers for this demonstration, but instead will demonstrate my previous words..." Komire positioned himself dead center of the circle, and faced Ahsoka, "... But you young apprentice, shall come at me with all intended purposes... to kill me."
Anakin was stunned at Komire's words... but seeing the burning resolve in Ahsoka's eyes, could only watch on as his former apprentice ignited her twin blades.
Ahsoka brandished her blades before her, and began her assault... left, right, uper-slash, cross-slash, full spin cuts... of all Anakin has ever seen her do, this was her most skilled display yet. However, Komire would merely side-step, back-step, jump into a small rotation over Ahsoka... and all sorts of small motions, barely dodging it by a hairs breath.
Obi-wan of at the periphery, saw the supposed barely dodged strikes, were intended... calculated...
"Number one: I am using the movements of my opponent, as well as my own to make any form of action and motion..." Komire began, still dodging Ahsoka's barrage of emerald and lime blades, "... each step I take is counted with the steps of Ahsoka; For every step she makes, I must draw her into a tempo, and what better way to do that, than making my actions force her own reactions..."
With no warning, Komire ducked and lunged towards Ahsoka... forcing her back, but as she stepped back, Komire took two of his own, still remaining almost perfectly within the center of the circle out of reach from Ahsokas Lightsabers, "... When one can fight completely in control of themselves, they have found serenity."
"Number two..." Komire continues on... for almost a five minutes this goes on, and things slowly get more intense... Ahsoka gets faster, and steadily makes Komire dodge more and more, but the elusive Je'dai was still untouched... His training in all weapon forms from Death herself made this show almost look like he was bullying Ahsoka... however there was a radiant smile plastered upon her lips.
This was her new Master... someone so powerful and knowledgeable that he has been teaching her, and the surrounding crowd with ease while she pushed herself to the limit... sweat poured down her body as she exerted herself, drawing even more of the Force into her exhausted forms as she waylaid into the ever elusive Komire.
Ahsoka kept trying all the tricks she had... even some learned fighting General Grievous... turning off her blades and re-igniteing them in a different position... Force locks arround Komire trying to limit his movements... she tried it all, but that would only get small reactions from Komire, and at times... even praises.
Obi-wan was however, stunned at the formes Ahsoka was using. the fact that she was using the techniques she displayed with almost surgical precision baffled the man. Although Obi-wan knew this was not a Jedi way of fighting... feeling through the force, he could see Ahsoka glow brighter and brighter... she was approaching dangerous levels of Force enhancement... but yet it looked so natural... she still kept the pace of her attacks, and, depending on how Komire moved, would slow down, speed up, pounce forward, hop back... or use rather quick and force filled lunges and sweeps. Obi-wan was starting to think this 'back-and-forth' would never end, and as if to confirm his thoughts, Komire continues on, almost leisurely, in his lecturing voice as he addresses the crowd within the courtyard.
"Number nine: As time goes on, the dance will continue forever, unless broken by either participating party..." Komire says.
Most if not all passing Jedi had stopped to listen, watching in stunned silence at the spectacle before them... there was even a woman with silver hair hidden off in the outer fringes of the crowded courtyard... a gleam in her eye as she stared on... a small smile evident on her rosy lips.
"... thus we need a plan of action regarding this General Grievous!" Master O Rancisis demanded, "We have lost too many good Jedi to his machinations, and getting rid of him would greatly speed up the end of this war."
"But we know nothing of his whereabouts and thus cannot actively hunt the machine down, as well as a Jedi skilled enough to defeat Grievous." Master Peil retorted.
The masters continued back and forth.. ultamatly deciding that the Jedi to defeat Grievous would be Obi-wan Kenobi, when the droid was finally flushed out.
Suddenly a pair of Jedi shadows stepped into the Council chamber, and immediately silenced the Jedi. The report the two Shadows submitted, made the ever stoic Master Yoda frown... "Troubling, this is..."
"How many planets were lost?" Asked Mace Windu.
"Three Master, Two colony planets in the Mid-rim, and one major world on the edges of the Mid-rim." Answered one of the Jedi Shadows," the planets life just... disapeared."
"What is taking so long, (caugh-caugh)?" said a large imposing Cyborg, his voice emulator scratching and rough sounding, leading into harsh wheezing and coughing fits.
"Sir, we have not been able to access the facilities databank. We have loaded up the remains of many old weapons that could be repaired." Said a Command Droid sitting in the Captains chair of the 'Commandeered' Separatists ship... a dead Nemodian laying in two halves beside it, just as several other previous crewmen also lay around the bridge... in several peices.
"Hurry up, Count Dooku will want these to be sent to our factories, HUUKH, to be replicated immediately." said the large Cyborg sporting a grey cloak... and hidden within... the gleam of five lightsaber hilts gleamed.
"Roger Roger." the Command droid replied, proceeding to pass out orders to the acting droid crew below.
With Deathwatches brazen attack of multiple clans, a massive civil war broke out amongst the New mandalorian, and the Death watch brigade... however the New mandalorian were vastly unprepared... leaving the Dutchess no choice but to send for aid from the Republic... The heiress to one of the prominent Clans is missing, the outlying houses were pushed to their limit, and more and more Mandalorians were joining Death watch... the only saving grace was that her sister had come home to fight for her family... even if they dont see eye to eye, they both represent their household in defence of Mandalor regaurdless... now if only the Republic aid arrives on time...