Part 7 - Drex vs Hunters!

[19 May 2135]

"Die?" Drex scoffed. "Sorry , but not today. You're the one thats going down - along with that Styngian over there!"

"Yo....YOU!" The hooded man growled. "NO MORE GAMES! GIVE US THE STYNGIAN OR I WON'T HAVE MERCY!" But when he saw that Drex clearly wasn't going to , he pointed his sword at Drex.

"DIE" He charged straight at Drex.

He's fast! Drex wasn't prepared. He quickly held his blade up and barely managed to parry the attack. But the hooded man continued attacking and lunging at Drex , causing Drex to back away.

They both knew that they weren't fighting seriously yet. Clang! Clang! Clang!  Metal met metal as they relentlessly swung their swords. Drex swung his sword at his opponent's head but he dodged and kicked Drex square in the chest.

It didn't hurt much , but his pride did. Drex shot back as he faked a jab to the right and swept the man's legs.

"Not bad at all" the man commented as he stood back up. " But can you keep up with this!"

The man charged,even faster this time. Drex parried his blows , but the man was faster and slashed at Drex's chest. The sword barely sliced the armour but a cut still appeared on his chest.

Drex was surprised. I have to fight seriously...

He dashed at full force to meet the man. Swords met at they clashed. The hooded man faked a jab , but Drex saw it and sliced at him. This made the man jump back and lost his footing.

This is my chance! as Drex dashed forward. Suddenly , an arrow whizzed past. He avoided that arrow but another one hit him in his side.

"Shit! I totally forgot about the two archers!" Drex cursed as he deflected arrows left and right.

"THIS IS IT!" Drex's back was turned against the man! Their plan worked out so well!

Drex at this moment , only realised that the man was charging towards him. But he was prepared , and always has been.


Suddenly , his armour grew spikes out of its back. The man saw this and his eyes widened. He quickly thought and threw 3 knifes at Drex. Drex deflected all 3 but his attention was diverted and the man retreated.

But the man was still in the vicinity - of the [Dash]. "You lost!" Drex declared as he [Dash] towards the man. It was too fast to see it happen as Drex miraculously "appeared" in front of the man , when he had been more than 5m away.

Drex was about to end the man when he noticed something - the man was smiling. Fwoosh! "Eh?"

"Wha-" Drex shouted as he got kicked in the face. How could he have done that?  "Urghh... Huh?" he groaned and realised that the man was on the ground.

It wasn't him. It was someone else. He scanned around and only saw the same 3 people.

Fwoosh! A cloaked man suddenly dashed in front of him and swung his sword. Drex couldn't parry fast enough and the sword cut his armour.

"Oh? He's pretty good actually." The cloaked man said.

"Who are you?! " Drex demanded.

"Me? I'm Zenn. This hooded one is Kriff , and the 2 archers are Ave and Eve. guys are always getting into trouble and I'm always the one saving your asses."

Oh? Someone who is "sincere"? Drex couldn't help but think Zenn was part of their plan. He shrugged off that thought and went up to Zenn.

"Sorry for the troubles caused sir. May i know your name?"

"I'm...The Black Knight"

They shook hands and Zenn even made the 3 apologize to Drex.

"Bye - " Zenn said as he waved. "For eternity" as Zenn drew his sword and charged towards Drex.

I was right! This was all fake! Drex lamented as he too drew out his sword, ready to parry. Fwoosh! Zenn dashed at such a high speed that he appeared in front of Drex , ready to slice.

Drex couldn't parry it. Instead , he used his own [Dash] and dashed away to safety. But he still wasn't clear.

Zenn used it again! "What is this! Does that not have a cooldown!?" Drex shouted as Zenn appeared and attacked. "Arghh!" The sword met armour and flesh beneath.


Drex maxed his defense and attacked Zenn. However, Zenn parried his blows and counterattacked. This is bad... Drex gritted his teeth as he tried his best to get the advantage. To add insult to injury , Kriff and the 2 archers joined in the fray.

"Arghh!" Drex shouted as he got cut multiple times. Whenever he used his [Dash] , Zenn would just "teleport" away and back so that he was behind Drex and attacked him from there.

Drex backed away. He equipped his twin UZIs and fired his bullets away. This got the group to defend themselves and Drex took this opportunity to [Dash] away.

But suddenly , Zenn dashed and appeared right beside him! Drex slashed but Zenn appeared behind him and kicked him to the ground.

"We win! And we never wanted that We steal loot and laugh at noobs like you. You may call it bullying hahaha...Unfortunately you were stronger than we though , but no matter - you're DEAD!"

Laugh at noobs? Bully starters?  "Bully? Really? You like bullying people? HUH?! TELL ME ! YOU LIKE BULLYING PEOPLE HUH?!"

Zenn and the 3 others were surprised by Drex's sudden outburst. They had a skeptical look on their faces and they didn't know how to respond. Not until Drex made the first move.

"AAAHH SAY THAT AGAIN!" Drex screamed as he [Dash]ed forward and tried to put a sword in Zenn's face.

"When did he get this fast! To think he was actually holding back... Even i was almost fighting to my full abilities..." Zenn said as he fought back.

Zenn [Dash]ed away and [Dash]ed back , right behind Drex. "ITS OVER" as Zenn stabbed at Drex's back. He was going to win! Drex's armour's skill must have a cooldown and he just used it.

6 inches...5 inches...4 inches...3 inches...

The sword was so close....but no. "WHATTT???" Zenn screamed as Drex disappeared from his view.


"Feel good? Appearing behind me all the time didn't. Now it's my turn!" Zenn's eyes widened. He didn't know how in the world Drex got behind him as he just used his [Dash].

[Lightning Charge]

Zenn gritted his teeth and braced for impact. But the impact never came - there was no pain , no injuries...

[Game Over]

"HUHHHHH!" Kriff and the archers exclaimed.

Drex stared at them , battle intent all out. "Please...spare us! We were just following Zenn's orders!" Surprisingly, it was Kriff who spoke up instead of the archers.

Of course , Drex knew he wasn't telling the truth. But there's nothing wrong with taking them in as followers - only benefits.

"I can spare you , but from then on , you 3 will follow my orders. Understand?" Drex boomed.

The 3 looked skeptical , but left with no choice , they had to agree. "Yes , Black Knight"

"My lord."

Kriff was fuming! He already took the courtesy of calling him "Black Knight" but he wanted them to call him "My Lord"! Atrocious!

But Kriff wasn't as well-off in real life. Thus he "cherished" this life very much. As much as he hated it , he had to agree. "Yes , my ... lord."

"Alright then , you - hm?" Drex paused halfway.

[System : You have successfully looted items from "Zenn"]

[Items looted :

- Deserter's Cutlass

- Bronze arm guard

- 235k D$

- MonstaTruck]

This was the first time Drex "killed" someone and looted them. He clicked on [Deserter's Cutlass] and a panel showed up.


Weapon :

[Deserter's Cutlass]

Abilities :

>[Double Dash] : [Active]

- Player can [Dash] up to 2 times


User dashes forward (up to 10m) at a high speed


"Woah! This is actually good!" exclaimed Drex when he read the info. With this , he equipped the weapon and turned to the 3.

"Sign this contract." Drex said as he sent contract papers he just made to the 3


Contract :

Offered by : Drex

Offer :

- Join the "Dark Knights"

Signature :

[                      ]


The Dark Knights was a group Drex had just created as well. All 3 signed the contract and joined the "Dark Knights".

"Very well... let us go to take up a quest shall we?"


Next chapter : Quest!
