A Rose to Terror

The raid, according to Estelle, went off perfectly despite the lack of information or The Ascended. Juno thought differently. "You murdered civilians!" she would cry. "Men, women, children! Living their lives under the bleeding sun, trying simply to survive, and you tore them from their lives!"

"We are trying to free them from their shackles, Juno! It is better to be dead than to live in a world such as this." Estelle snapped back. They had been going for what seemed to be hours, though according to the little clock in the bottom left of my vision, it had been fifteen minutes and all they did once we got back to Estelle's little house in the city.

"Freeing them?! You threaten to be worse than what we have now! A tyrant, willing to murder just to get her fucking way!" Juno, as you may have guessed, was deeply disturbed about the rather explosive end of the raid.

"Oh, now that is way too far! I'm not going to repeat that night, not even going to come close."