A Beast in the Business

I... I couldn't. I couldn't go on. Looking back on it, I shouldn't have even started. How many innocent people had I killed, directly or otherwise? But I was fine with it because they were faceless, nameless people who I had never met.

Juno hadn't taken the news well either, she spent most of her time engrossed in something just to distract her from the pain while I... I dwelled on it, endlessly. Estelle was dead and we didn't even have her body to bury. 

It had been three days and Juno was rambling on about... something while I sat on the sofa. I didn't care, how could I? Juno seemed to recognise it, but that didn't stop her from talking, in fact, it only sped her up, faster and faster, until... "Elias... please."

I looked up and she was crying. "Elias... I can't...  I can't do this. Estelle is fucking dead and my last words to her..."