Attack in OmegaPH

Two hours. We've been waiting for two long hours now. Every minute drags on in anticipation of Havoc's retaliation. Yes. They're anticipating. Everyone seemed to be excited instead of being worried, except for me of course. My attempt to get everyone informed of the real danger of this situation has been futile. Shaymin, who was perched on my shoulder, suddenly scratched my head.

"Hey, worried?" I asked.

"Shay..." It said as it hopped from my shoulder onto my head.

"I'll do everything to keep you safe. All you have to do is stay with me okay?" I assured.

"Maybe they're really aren't coming." Manotosh said.

"Yeah, probably chicken out." Vespercore added then everyone started laughing. We are all out at the main entrance of our Headquarters. Everyone was still laughing when the firs explosion occurred from nearby.

"They're here! They're here!" Noel shouted, running towards our crowd. Every one shifted to battle mode and without further word send out their most prized partners.

Sandrine was now flying with her Flygon. Vespercore followed suit with his Charizard. Kaiserson started running with his Ursaring. Manotosh and Logan was already charging forward riding Rapidash and Zebstrika respectively. Other members sent out a variety of pokemon ranging from a tiny Emolga to a humungous Rhyperior. And on the frontline, beside me, Leyn called out his partners.

"It's battle time. Gengar, Snorlax!"

A gigantic, bear-like, lazy-looking creature appeared alongside a purple floating ghost type pokemon. I still can't get used to the fact that his Gengar has a different shade of purple than usual. 'Shiny', he once told me with a smug smile.

"We're all with you on this." Leyn whispered.

"Thank you." I replied as I pat Shaymin. It's about time I get ready. I called Ronnel as soon as I got home yesterday and filled the remaining slots of my party. I threw out all five pokeballs I currently have with me. Yup, five only. Shaymin is taking one slot in my party though I don't really own it. Weird.

Sceptile was first to appear looking confident as always. Ferrothorn got out and seemed ready for battle. Next to it was my new friend, little Chespin. I've called out two new friends from Ronnel to help me today. A green barnacle plant-like Pokémon with various yellow markings on its head, neck, and torso appeared next to Chespin. Cradily. Then last is the carefree pokemon Ludicolo. It is a bipedal Pokémon that appears to be a mixture of a pineapple and a duck. You probably expected Whimsicott and Tropius but I learned my lesson. If I'm facing that Heatran now, I came more prepared. I gather my pokemon around me.

"The plan is simple my buddies. Protect our friends and most importantly, protect Shaymin at all cost." I explained. My pokemon roared in answer and started to dispatch. Sceptile and Chespin (who occupied my right shoulder) stayed with me as the other went to different directions.

The first of the invaders came into view. They're attacking both from the sky and from the land. A trainer in Havoc emblem riding a Hydreigon and another one riding a Staraptor was charging at us from above. From a few meters away, an Arcanine, a Liepard and a Mightyena was coming forward at full speed.

"Ready or not, here they come." I said to Leyn.

"Believe it or not, I have never been this ready." Leyn answered with a smile.

The Havoc's Hydreigon unleashed a fierce Flash Cannon while the Staraptor started flapping it's wings in rapid succession and whipped up a razor-sharp Air Slash.

"Snorlax intercept it! Gengar use Thunderbolt on Staraptor!" Leyn commanded and Snorlax put itself in between us and our attackers with such a commendable speed inspite of its bulk. It took both the attack and surprisingly, it seemed to take no damage at all. From behind it, Gengar suddenly appeared and unleashes a strong surge of Thunderbolt hitting Staraptor knocking it and its trainer out of the fight. Well, it doesn't surprise me. He won't be the clan founder for nothing. The one on Hydreigon cursed.

"I'll take care of this. Just focus on keeping Shaymin out of this mess." Leyn said.

I just nodded and started running back towards the HQ, Sceptile on my heels. Around me battles started to brew. Kaiseron and his Ursaring is engaged in physical combat with a Havoc grunt and it's Lickilicky. Manotosh and his Rapidash together with my Cradily was fending of two grunts that was trying to break into the quarters. From above where a lot of Golbats suddenly appeared, Sandrine's Flygon was on a rampage, firing Dragon Pulse in every direction. Vespercore and his Charizard was doing the same firing Flamethrowers and knocking out Golbats that doesn't seem to run out. I was too caught up trying to check on other clan members that I didn't notice a barrage of rocks that was directed at me until Sceptile already intercepted and cut it all with Leaf Blade.

"Thanks, Bud." I muttered and picked up Shaymin and perched it on my left shoulder. I thought it was just a random attack but stopped short as two figures appeared in front of me. One is a guy with blonde hair, strong facial features and a peculiar smirk that seemed to be plastered permanently on his face. Beside him, well, ah, beautiful as always, oh, I mean...well never mind. It was Shielah. Behind them was a huge mountain like pokemon, Gigalith.

I hugged both Shaymin and Chespin protectively. Sceptile and Ludicolo, from out of nowhere, were already in between us.

"So this is the guy." blondie said casually eyeing me and Shaymin. "Doesn't look that strong to me." Shielah let out a smirk. Not a consenting one but more like mocking. Is she mocking that guy? I'm not sure.

I remained rooted in my position, mentally calculating an escape route. This Gigalith was blocking my way, going either side will mean engaging into the battles that was happening there. I have to face this two head on.

"Just make yourself scarce, I'll take care of this." she muttered, shooing whoever this blonde guy is. The guy seemed to be offended and was about to complain when she shot him an annoyed look.

"Okay, okay. Just make sure you finish this quick. You don't want your father waiting for too long, do you?" he said retreating away followed by his Gigalith. Now it was just me and Shielah.

"For the last time, just hand me that Shaymin and stop this chaos you've brought to your clan." Shielah offered.

"You know the answer. I still haven't change my mind." I replied firmly. For a moment she looked as if I slap her but it was gone and replaced by a more serious expression.

"We'll do it the hard way then." she said throwing three pokeballs. Volcarona and Houndoom came out. A few seconds later, with a very mighty roar that even other people near us stopped and looked, Heatran appeared.

Shaymin tuck itself inside my arms. Chespin jumped out of my grip joining Sceptile and Ludicolo.

"It's gonna be okay." I reassured it again before I shifted my attention back to Shielah.

Houndoom and Volcarona launched themselves simultaneously engaging Sceptile and Ludicolo in battle. Before I could even react, Heatran launch a Lava Plume towards me forcing me to run away from my pokemon. It was simple, she separated me from Sceptile and Ludicolo and was left facing her and Heatran with only Chespin.

Without waiting for my command, Chespin launch a Needle Arm towards Heatran. It only shrugged it of as my poor Chespin stumbled back.

"Use Fire Spin." Shielah ordered.

Heatran breathed spinning flames and hit Chespin knocking it out quickly.

"Chespin, no!" I shouted as I run towards it. Shaymin jump out of my grip and started sniffing at Chespin.

"Just give up already." Shielah said.

I look at her with complete hatred and loathing. If she was faced by it, she didn't show. My eyes averted when Shaymin started glowing and energy started to flow from it to Chespin. Aromatherapy. Seconds later, Chespin was on its feet. Wow.

"Thank you." I whispered as I tried to pick Shaymin up but it jump out of my reach and faced Shielah and her towering Heatran. She was just watching.

"Hey," I tried but Shaymin started glowing again then magma erupted from the ground where Heatran was standing. It was caught off guard and was send flying back. Shielah covered her head with her arm as smoke from the impact filled the field. So it can use Earth Power, and I might say, emphasis on POWER.