The Massacre of Philadelphia

It has been two and half years since Schaffe, Phil, Ian, Alan and Sara were getting there picture taken they were wearing there civilian cloths while Sara was wearing here power armor. The gut then takes the picture. Sara then says, "man the it been nearly three years now." Schaffe then says, "yeah." Phil then says, "hey this could be our last mission next then after that back just doing jobs." Sara then says, "you guy should just stay with the brotherhood." Phil the says, "I don't know about that." Schaffe then says, "I was think about starting a store for weapons and other stuff." Ian then says, "that ain't a bad Idea." Alan then says, "well are next job is in Philadelphia, PA help out a refugee camp." Schaffe then says, "sounds like an easy job." Sara then says, "yeah just help them get started." They then head to the main base in Albany and get a lift from a plane to Philadelphia, PA.

They then head to the base there and drop off their bags and head to the refugee camp they walked around camp they then see a man he was a young man with black hair and blue eye wearing a white shirt and jeans come up to them and says, "hello my name is Chad Bishop are you here to help us." Phil then says, "that right mister Bishop hopefully we can help as much as we can." Chad then says, "alright thank you guys." Schaffe then says, "people trying to bring normal society back to the world." Ian then says, "it's a rare to see but good to see." Later that night Schaffe and them were guarding the entrance. Schaffe then says, "man it's a peaceful night." Phil then looks up and see a satellite dish. Sara then says, "that was put there to the civilians communicate with the other settlements." Alan then says, "thats neat."

Somewhere at the brotherhood base Max Majors was with a few others men. Max then says, "begin the experiment." A man then flips the switch.

Back at the camp Schaffe then starts to hear a strange noise. Schaffe then says, "ah what that noise I'm hearing." Phil then says, "you okay how about you go sit down in the camp for bit." Schaffe then goes into the refugee camp to a stool outside next to a water canteen. Schaffe then covers his ears but he can still hear the noise. But then he starts to transform into a giant beast he had long horns big claw he transformed into a deathclaw. Schaffe then let out a big roar. Phil then sees this and says, "what the fuck is that Schaffe." Sara then says, "when can do that." Schaffe then starts ripping about things knocking over a torch to a tent and a fire starts the villagers wake up and starts running but the fire keeps them in. Schaffe started killing Innocent after Innocent men, woman and children was not safe Schaffe ended up killing more then a thousand people that night this was the night that El Diablo was born. Ian then finds himself at a dead end. Ian then says, "shit this is the best time for this. Ian then turns and sees Schaffe. Ian then says, "now now it me your buddy Ian Schaffe." Schaffe then comes in and opens his mouth. Ian then sees an opening were he crawl through. Ian then heads for as Ian crawled through Schaffe bite Ian's left leg. Ian then says, "Fuck." Schaffe then starts chewing on his leg and tries to pull him out of the hole. Ian then gets combat knife out and says, "this is going to hurt." Ian then start cutting his left leg off from the knee. Ian manages to cut his leg off and get away. Ian then says, "oh fuck..fuck." he then hears Schaffe from the outside the wall roaring. Ian then wraps his left knee and starts to crawl away but would manages to find another dead end. Ian was starting to fade due blood lost. Ian then says, "your fucking me." he then turns around and see Schaffe but this time he had no escape route. Schaffe gets closer to him. Ian then says, "hey I'm not mad but you need to calm down alright." but then a missile flies by Schaffe and hit the building next to him. The blast was able to make building collapse on him this was same building with the satellite dish on it. Phil, Alan and Sara then come and see Ian. Phil then says, "hey you okay." Ian then says, "I'm okay my fucking leg is gone...god I need a cigarette." Sara then says, "is he dead." Phil then starts digging in the rubble and see Schaffe is knocked out. Alan then says, "this fucker he still alive." Alan then points his gun at Schaffe. Phil then grabs him and says, "are you fucking crazy that Schaffe." Alan then says, "he just killed everyone in the fucking camp..." Alan then drops the gun. Phil let's go to him. Alan then says, I couldn't shoot him anyway he my friend." Ian then says, "even though he snacked on my leg I can't either." Phil then says, "their must be a way to change him back but then they notice the satellite dish falls down near the building. Schaffe then starts to turn back to normal. Phil then says, "that was brotherhood dish." Alan then says, "yeah when it hit the ground Schaffe turn human again." Sara then says, "are you saying that brotherhood did this." Phil then says, "it were he got this eye he has but I know who would know Max Majors." They then help Ian and Schaffe and head back to base.