A Flashback

While in the hospital, Aiden spends a lot of time sleeping. His body is still

recovering from the bruises and the shock he experienced during the attack.

After all, this is the first time that something like this has happened to him.

In his sleep he had a dream or more like a nightmare. The scene was in a big

party held in a luxurious mansion. Those present were mostly middle-aged

rich business men, politicians and socialites. There was a live band and they

were playing classic music and mostly done through the piano and

saxophone. With the music being played and the fashion worn by the

attendees, Aiden could feel that this party happened many years ago.

In a corner near the floor to ceiling window, Aiden could see his father and

mother seriously talking to a man of the same age as they are. His father

looked very handsome in his Armani suit while her mother looked so elegant

in her beaded black velvet gown. Aiden could not see the face of the man that

his parents are talking to because he was facing the opposite direction. Aiden

could only see the man's back. He can also see that his parent's were very

focused while talking to this man. They seem to be talking about a very

serious matter.

In a few minutes, a waitress approached them, handed a note to Aiden's

mother and quickly left. When Amelie received it, she looked down to read

and her eyebrows twisted. She gave the note to her husband François who

also read it. His face turned very serious and stared at his wife's face. Without

saying a word, he nodded to give the signal that its okey. Francois whispered

to the man. The other man gently grabbed Amelie's arm in a gesture to stop

her, but she placed her hands over the man's shoulder as if giving a

reassurance that it's going to be okey. She quickly left the party hall while the

two men just stared at her as she paced away.

As she walked along the hallway leading to an office, she used both of her

hands to hold the wine glass the she brought with her. She took a sip of the

wine to relieve the dryness of her mouth and throat. After a few steps, she

stopped and stood in front of a door.

She stared at the wooden door. Her eyes were fixed on the carved image and

reflected what it probably meant. It's the image of a hawk. She finished her

wine and placed the empty wine glass on the side table beside the door. She

gently knocked on the door and waited for somebody to instruct her to come

in. However, she received no reply. When she was certain that she was not

going to receive an answer, she twisted the knob and slowly went in.

Francois and his friend continued to talk after Amelie left. Francois paused

and looked at his watch. It's been 5 minutes since Amelie left. Francois just

had a bad feeling in his gut. He looked at his friends face and it appears that

he is having the same feeling that Francois has. Without saying a word to

each other, they rush away from the party hall and went to search for Amelie.

The mansion that hosted the party was very huge. It had 4 levels and many

rooms. Francois and his friend went up the second floor and went through the

different rooms looking for clues if it is the one Amelie went to. Francois' bad

feeling seems to grow worst and worst after each second. Finally, they found

a door with a side table nearby. Francois saw an empty glass wine. He could

see Amelie's lipstick mark on the glass. Francois stared at the door. He is

face to face with the carving of the Hawk on the wooden door.

After Amelie went inside the door, she discovered that it was a library. Books

were neatly piled on the shelves along with personal items which reflected the

owner's interests. As Amelie moved three steps closer to the desk, she

noticed a sculpture of a golden hawk which seemed to stare at her. She takes

a deep breath. "What is it you want to talk about?" there was no reply. All

Amelie sees is the back of the chair. There was silence. Then the chair

started to squeak as it slowly turns around to face her. When the chair faced

Amelie, her face was struck with panic and terror. She tried to leave but it was

too late. What faced her was a person holding a gun aimed straight to her

heart. In less than a second…. BANG!!!

Amelie fell to the floor with blood oozing out from her chest. She blinked for a

few seconds but her vision starts to grow black.

Francois hear an explosion inside the room. It was not very loud. I sounded

like a gun muffled with a silencer. He quickly pushed the door open and went

in as his friend swiftly followed. Francois found the lifeless Amelie lying on the

floor bathed in her own blood. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!". Francois knelt on the

floor and scooped up Amelie and cradled her in his arms. His friend swiftly

searched the room to catch the murderer, but found no one.

Francois quickly touched the side of Amelie's neck to check her pulse. With

terror on his face, he looked up to his friend and said; "Harold, she's gone!"

"Sir, Sir, it's time for your meds." And gentle tap on his arm woke up Aiden. A

nurse stood beside his bed holding a small tray with his medicine and a glass

of water. Aiden cleared his thoughts and took his medicine. "Thank You".

This simple gesture made the nurse blush. "Is there anything else I can do for

you Sir?" Aiden feels uncomfortable with the attention he is getting. "No, that

will be all. Just send somebody to change my beddings in 15 minutes."

Aiden's pillow and bedsheets are soaked with his own sweat. His dream must

have taken a great toll on him in his sleep.

Aiden shudders at the thought of what happened in his dream. He feels down

and depressed thinking about what took place in his dream. "Did that really

happen? Who killed my mother?" "Why did my father keep this as a secret

from me?" Aiden was having all these thoughts is his mind until something

caught his attention. An object caused him to stare on the table beside his

bed. It's the necklace that his rescuer gave him.!

"AGGGHHHHHH!" Aiden lie down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Things

just happened so fast these past few days. Everything came in a whirlwind.