Chapter two

Pearl woke up with a pain on her chest, holding her chest tightly, she knew then that she actually cried herself to sleep. She got the mirror and looked at her face. "oh gosh!!! I look horrible". She said as she went into her bathroom. She decided to take a warm shower which she believes could help her relax a lot. Despite Pearl's determination not to think about her mother, her will wasn't strong enough because everything reminded her of her mom. Her mother's present can be felt all over her room. How would she deal with this?

After spending a hour in the bathroom, she came out. She just got a job the day her mom died. She was happy to share the news with her mom and dad but things turned situation around. She was the one that got the news and a terrifying and bad one at that.

Pearl was determined to make sure her father doesn't feel depressed. She understood what depression could cause and how many people who were depressed ended up she didn't want her dad ending up that way so she said to her self that she would make the best out of this situation.

She got her bag and left the room to see her father who was "drinking?". Pearl asked as she went to meet her dad. Her dad looks really horrible but what do you expect from a man who lost his wife.

Pearl understood and decided to be calm. "Dad". She called but he wasn't answering neither was he looking at her direction. She took hold of his left hand and patted it as she talked. "I know how you feel dad. I know that you feel like your whole world is crumbling down. I remember when you told me you met mom, I could see the happiness written all over your face when you explained the scenario of your love. And I knew right there and then that you guy's love was a love made from heaven specially for you both". she paused as she tried so hard not to cry, praying her tears would be obedient to her and not disappoint her. "mom loves you dad and that's why she gave me to you, the product of your love. Dad, please be strong!!! I know you are stronger than this". she continued only for her dad to push her off making her hit her head on the wooden table.

"You know nothing Pearl... absolutely nothing" her father said as he continued drinking not noticing the blood rushing down her daughter's forehead.

Pearl couldn't withhold her tears anymore. If she wants to reach out to a thousand of souls out there, she knew she had to reach out to her dad first. "You're right dad" she said as she knelt down in front of her dad, holding his knees. "I don't understand how you feel but I understand how I feel dad. I lost my mother, the woman that suffered nine good months to bring me out, the woman who had to go through so much so that I can be what I am today maybe I don't understand how you feel but what you're feeling isn't different from what I'm feeling dad". Pearl felt her tears disappointing her as they rushed down her cheeks. "But you know what dad, I'm not going to stop doing what I do when mom was alive because I know she wouldn't want me to stop and she wouldn't want you to stop either please, fight this". and with that, Pearl wiped her tears and went out of the house.

The pain in her forehead worsen. She went to the pharmacy to get a plaster and drugs for her headache which the pharmacist gave. The pharmacist(Mrs Claus) has a son- Jefferson who helps Pearl with her psychology class at home. The pharmacist found out that Pearl's mother was dead but decided not to bring back memories. She only asked how they were doing and Pearl nodded that they are cool.

"How come this injury?" Mrs Claus asked helping Pearl put the plaster on the injury.

"Oh this" Pearl smiled sheepishly."I um...hit it on the door on my way out of the house" she lied.

"You should be careful next time...Thank God it wasn't deep" Mrs Claus said as Pearl nodded and appreciated her for helping her.

"I will. Thank you so much for your help Mrs Claus". Pearl left to go to her new work at a convenience store.

The work was alot hectic than she thought but what was she expecting a whole day of relaxation?? It's 6pm already, She was glad it was time to go. She needed to know how her dad was fairing.

She left the store since someone was coming to take over for the night. She was almost home when she found people screaming and rushing to a certain direction. She was wondering what was going on. Since the route they were taking is the same route to her home she decided to go with the crowd and view what was happening only for her to get there and found them lined up at her front door.

She quickly rushed in to see what was happening. She got to the sitting room and found a body lying lifelessly on the ground. She didn't want to think of who the person might be because it might not be who she's thinking. She got closer and closer until she was close to seeing who the body belongs to surprisingly, it belonged to her dad. Right on that spot she fell to the ground as people made effort to raise her up but they couldn't.

Jefferson the pharmacist son came close to her to cover her eyes but Pearl with tears in her eyes, pulled his hands away as she watched the scene. "What....what happened??" she asked shakingly. "Can someone just explain to me what the hell happened here?" she screamed as Jefferson wiped her tears.

"He came to the pharmacy to ask for..." Jefferson paused as Pearl looked into his eyes with teary eyes.

"He asked for what?" Pearl asked as Jefferson sighed before continuing.

"Acid" he paused as Pearl stared at him only for her eyes to close as she fell in his arms.