Bear Island Exploration

After killing all the Ironborn on the ship, Alisa decided to explore their treasure rooms. Well, bunch of gold and silver coins for Mormont treasury, Iron-leather armor with golden Kraken to revise at the blacksmith, bunch of swords and daggers for Mormont armaments, and finally, the most prized boons, their ships. It's a good day for harvest.

A loud boom of horn, pertaining another attack. Alisa hurriedly came out of the treasury, she found three more long ships in the distance. She gave a small grunt, and ordered, " Take the ships around coast, they will only be on the way."

She then dismounted the ship, readying herself for another battle. But this, a horse neighed in the distance, Lord Jorah with Longclaw, clad with Mormont full body armor. He shook his head in frustration, "Alisa! Get back to the Keep!"

Alisa shook her head, "No, this is my battle too." She gave her focus to the people, "Here we stand!"

Jorah was shocked, but shook his head, "You'll get in trouble later, Alisa. You're mother will be the one giving your punishment." He readied his sword, shouting, "Here we stand!"

"Here we stand!"

With a frightening roar, the Mormont people, along with the bears, runs towards dismounting Ironborn by the coast. Alisa gave a low chuckle, shaking head and roar. Her speed and strength came out in full strength. She surpassed the speed of Jorah's horse, before doing a high somersault to the first Ironborn, slashing down her blade. The decapitated head just aroused the Mormont's morale.

"This little b*tch!"

"You'll regret calling me that!" The sand in the coast parted when Alisa jumped, bringing a punch through the chest armor, cracking the armor in the process. The Ironborn was sent flying, shooting down two more before convulsing in bloodied flesh. She slashed fervently on Ironborn ganging up on her. Jorah soon joined her, dismounting on his horse, before fighting in a single combat with another Ironborn.

Alisa tumbles, dodging the flurried attack on two Ironborn ganging on her, she decides to play dirty. She kicked the sand, blocking the eye view of one Ironborn. Alisa jumped with strength and punched the distracted Ironborn, before stabbing the other.

The battle continued until all Ironborn are dead or captured, the captured will be later executed by hanging, disrespecting their custom of resting their bodies in the ocean. Alisa sighed, what a eventful day.

Jorah came behind her, "I'll pray for the Old gods when we come back."

"Aye." Was all Alisa's response, her attention are on the three escaping long ships. She felt angry.

With a wave of her hand, the ocean was frozen solid, resulting the three escaping long ships to stop. Jorah and the people was shocking beyond belief, thinking if this is a divine intervention. But the evidence is in front of them, Lady Alisa rose to the ground with the help of frozen water, going to the three long ships, whereas the remaining Ironborn are running for their lives. Alisa motion her arms, the sky showered pointy icicle arrows, impaling the Ironborns.

In the end, she unfroze the ocean, the long ships unperturbed from the commotion.

When she came back, she ordered the gawking Mormont guard, "Send for the ships. It's a great gift from the Ironborns, we should accept their generosity." She then gave attention to his Lord cousin, "Let's begin executing the pirates."

Jorah absentmindedly nodded, ordering the hanging ground to set.


Alisa decided to explore the Island with Tatsumi. First stop was the three small mountains. She found the mountains to be beautiful from the top view. And, a kind of expected outcome, Iron and coal deposit sits on the first mountain, another iron and diamonds on the second mountain, while only coal on the third mountain.

But, she felt the need of keeping it a secret from her family. Something tells her, a gut feeling, her gut never failed her. And so, she decided to keep secrecy. The diamond mine alone can make the Bear Island much richer than the richest in the North, the Manderlys.

She also found a mountain lake on top of the third mountain, making it a natural water tower, and mechanical water power engine opportunity. Then, she moved on to the largest of the mountains, the tallest and most haunted feels on the surrounding.

Alisa smiled at the largest mountain. If the three mountains can be called the three sister mount, this one will be the mother of the sisters. This is where Alisa deemed the mountain worthy in placing the grand castle made of dark ice. It will be the most beautiful and enchanting castle of all Westeros. Much grander than Highgarden and much more ethereal than the Eyrie. An impregnable castle, unable to melt, even with dragonfire.

Though, in the end, she has to ask permission to her cousin Jorah.

Alisa sighed, this all will be easier if she was the one with authority or if the Mormonts aren't proud to the core, they can rival the Lannister pride.


Bear Island, 286 AC.

The news had spread of the Ironborn attack on Bear Island throughout the North and some to the South of the Neck. Though not many believe, the people of Bear Island swears that their Lady Alisa is blessed by the Old gods and the Winter Kings with the gifts of Winter. Even Ned Stark had multiple raven confirmation from back to back communication on Bear Island, had believed the people.

Now, the Lady in question was doing the Mormont's style of swimming. Swimming on the cold ocean, will always be the lifeblood of Mormonts and the people of Bear Island. One of the unique things that differentiate their strength among the people of the North. Now, Alisa wanted to see the ocean.

What she did not expect, was deep sea creatures was awaiting for her in the bottom. A sea dragon and real life Krakens. These creatures will always be a dangerous beings for human, but for Alisa having incline with danger beast, this was a piece of cake. There, Alisa decided to help Mormont treasury to increase.

She convince the Sea dragon and Kraken to order all species of fishes, shellfish and crustaceans, to migrate to the Bay of Ice. Giving the people of Bear Island the monopoly for different varieties of edible fishes. Crustaceans will have crabs, lobsters, crayfish, prawn and shrimps. For Shellfish, they will have clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, along with different types of squids, octopus and edible snails.

Bear Island's Sea Food Business is ready for business.