The Seven Days

Lily and her brother Thomas stayed at the court waiting for Jack to put their father in any near morgue. The problem is, people wanted answers, and because Lily and Thomas didn't know most of the things, Jack told them not to say anything till he arrive. They obeyed and, when anyone asked them about anything, they say that Jack will say to them when he return from the morgue. But when he is lost for a whole day, things should change.

"What are we going to do now? What will we say to them?" Asked Lily. "Well, I guess we should first call his friends to know if they knew anything about him. Of course he didn't stay all that in the morgue." answered Thomas. "Of course no, but he won't go to his friends and leave us here." "Well, okay. Do you have any better solution?!" "No, I mean, yes, but.." "So just don't disagree without having a spare solution already in your mind. I'ma call his best friend Mark, and you call his other friend. What was his name again?.. Yes, call Dan." "But Dan is weird. I don't want to call him." "Well again, you have another solution?" "Yes!! His wife. I'ma call Emma!" "Oh my God, are you really that stupid?! She was already the first one to know what happened to Dad!! She must have a rest for at least a day to recover as Jack ordered!" "OKAY, FINE. Do whatever you want!"

This is the usual conversation especially when something terrible happens. Lily complains, Thomas blames and insults, Jack gets angry, and Emma tries to calm the situation down.

The two siblings called and soon the four of them were in one place, none knowing what happened to Jack. It soon became afternoon and they started doubting.

The reason that morgue was far from the court was that it had a name that would have destroyed the reputation of that court. So the police came to ask the four people in front of them to know the last news.

"What happened? Where is Jack?" Asked a policeman of them. They were five or so. "Didn't appear yet. I wish this didn't happen. I suggest..." Thomas said, but was interrupted. His phone rang, and a total silence spread among the place. "It is Jack!!" Exclaimed Thomas. "ANSWER ALREADY!!" Shouted Lily, and Thomas did.

"Hello..." Said Thomas but was interrupted by Jack's voice. "HELP ME THOMAS, RIGHT NOW! SOMETHING IS STRANGE WITH THIS MORGUE. I AM LOST AND TRAPPED INSIDE. YOU MUST COME NOW. BRING YOUR FRIENDS, YOU..... ARRRRGGGHHHJENSINFIENKAMDKFN...." (That last sound was the sound of pain, crunching, smashing, and roaring of dead bodies) Thomas was so paralysed when hearing this that he didn't even close the phone call. The phone fell from his hand and on the ground. From the fall, the speaker was pressed, and everything going on was heard. "Hahaha, now he will come for sure. We will have a great meal today!!" And the phone call suddenly closed...

Thomas' paralysation stopped when hearing this, and he moved fast to his car. "Come Lily, Mark and Dan, right now!" Said Thomas. "Wait, where are you going?" Asked the police man. "Heading to where Jack is. Don't follow us please. We don't know what will happen. We will call you if something went wrong, don't worry." And they headed forward, towards the morgue...

2 hours or so of searching for the morgue and they were there, and it was getting near to sunset. When they got out of the car, they could see clearly the name of that morgue. MACABRE MORGUE was the name it said, and they could also see the guard in front of it. They felt a little safer when seeing him, and went forward directly towards him.

Get ready Toby, you will reveal some secrets now...

"Hello there Sir, did you see a man from our age coming to you last day or night?" Asked Thomas as gently as possible. "Yes, and he never got out from inside." Answered Toby as gently. "Really!!! Was he Jack?!!" Asked Lily full of excitement. "Shut up! not now" whispered Thomas to Lily. "Sorry sir about her, we wanted to go inside and search for him." Said Thomas loudly to Toby. "Okay, but only if you didn't blame me about anything that would happen to you inside." Replied Toby. They looked to each other in surprise, but finally, Thomas said: "okay.."

Before they entered, Toby said:

"Wait! First, you should know that your friend is now from them, the dead, but he is partially dead...

Be aware of some things:-

1. If your friend stayed inside for seven days, he will be dead forever.

2. If you stayed till the night, you will see him and be trapped till you find the door.

3. Time, sound and matter are totally disturbed inside there, un-understandable till now.

4. When you kill someone of the dead, he lives again.

5. When someone from you die, he will be as your friend.

6. When you kill your friend, he gives a hint about his killer.

7. When you kill your friend and his killer, he will return to life.

Don't ask me about anything 'cause, many secrets are there but still ain't known..."