
--"Sir, sir! He is crying. What could this mean. Could it really be just the dream he is in?"

--"No. It is more than that for sure. We should try to wake him, because tears mean pain, and pain could mean death, or soon death."

--"No sir. This is the first time I will say no to you. I realised that it is his dream that is locking him in his faint. He should finish it by himself, and no one should disturb him."

--"you know what? I am not angry on you because your talk is totally true and believable. I will announce it now. DOCTORS, NO ONE ENTER THE ROOM OF THE CLIENT 'JACK' AT ALL TILL HE WAKES UP!!!!"


"What will you do now Mr Jack?!!" Said Lily. Jack ignored and went to attack Toby. Lily was really scared aside from her anger, and so was Emma, so they just followed Jack to help him. The two crowds got nearer and nearer. He forgot that he had a blade, so when it was time, Jack threw his leg towards a face of the dead bodies, but it was weaker to complete its way. What happened was that someone of the dead bodies tackled his resting leg which led Jack to fall on the ground. He then saw that Emma and Lily were around, but they were gradually disappearing. Everything was starting to disappear in the same pale yellow color, and Jack closed his eyes; unconscious...

When he walk up, he saw that it was night; the sky was finally dark. He felt that he, by a way or two, finally escaped from the morgue. But where was Emma and Lily?..

When he got up, he saw that he was in what seemed as a roof. It also seemed as a part of an unused road. The asphalt was on it, and there was a big rock too. The place seemed familiar to Jack, but he couldn't fully recognise it. Aside of thinking about the strangeness of the place, he was still thinking about Emma and Lily.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came. "At last you woke up!!" As it said. Jack looked around him to see that his dad and Toby were coming. "What the hell is going on dad? Are you alive or no? And where are Emma and Lily? And why are you with that Toby?" Asked Jack in a rush. "Don't worry son. You are about to understand everything...

Losing your anger will destroy your family. Peaceful fights don't always end without a loss. The most important thing should be..." "DAD! Dad, stop! What will these idioms do with me now?!! ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!!!" "Your questions are mostly answer-less. It won't be me who will answer you at least. Ask yourself, your angry self, and you might find an answer." Said Dad in a monster voice. It was kinda scary to Jack, but he didn't forget the main topic. "What do you mean? My angry self?!!! What are you...." Said Jack, but he didn't complete his words as his dad started disappearing in front of him. He felt lonely, but then he saw Toby. "Who are you?" Asked Jack. "You don't know, but I know. It..." Answered Toby but was interrupted by Jack. "Don't go on like films. What have you done down there when we were fighting? Huh?" "Didn't you want to know what the hell is going on?" "Yeeess" "well, do as your dad said." "I don't fucking understand him. What the hell, are you that dumb?!!" "Why don't you follow me?" Said Toby. "I don't believe you. You kill...." "Shhhh, follow me and you will know." Said Toby and went to the big rock. Jack, not having any weapon or power or a place to go to, just followed him..

Behind it what appeared to be a slight light. Jack thought that he was going to the Non-Matter World again, but when he saw what he saw, he changed his mind in a second.

He saw his whole family floating in the air; totally powerless. Thomas, Mark, Lily, Jack, Dan, Dad, Emma... Wait... "ME?!!!!" said Jack in a big surprise. "Yes, you once died, so you are counted too" answered Toby. Jack then looked in front of him to see countless dead bodies looking at them, and one coming directly towards him. "Mr Jack. We obeyed you totally and did all what you asked. Your orders were done. We killed you when you came, and put your angry self as a guard in the morgue, so that it would seem normal when your friends come. Toby said uncompleted information about the morgue to your friends, and they came to help you. You were rescued, and Thomas and Mark were the first victims, of course after your father. It is now all done. I think we could now leave." Said the dead body that was in front of Jack. "Me?!! My orders?!!! What is going on here?" Said Jack in extreme surprise. "I am sorry, I meant Mr Toby. You both are similar. Actually, you both are the same in shape." Said the dead body. "Wha... Wait, I don't care." Said Jack looking at himself. Now talking to Toby. "YOU ARE THE WHOLE REASON FOR ALL THIS THEN, HUH?!! I HAVE LOST MY WHOLE FAMILY BECAUSE OF YOU!!" The dead bodies, seeing this, just left without talking, and Jack was going after Toby who was going backwards again to the big rock and to the roof. "I HATE YOU!! YOU MUST DIE. YOUR LIFE MUST END NOW AS YOU ENDED MY FAMILY'S LIFE!!" continued Jack. He pushed Toby several times before Toby fell from the roof. Jack felt relief..


Jack suddenly felt that his soul wasn't in his body anymore. He felt that he was in the body of Toby, and suddenly he realised that... "I AM FALLING!!!!!" Said Jack in surprise. He saw his body looking at him while he was falling. After sometime, he saw that his body turned his face and went behind the shadow of the roof. Jack felt hopeless....


Jack woke up from his dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............