Mystic Whisper

°The Mystic Whisper is one of the rarest dragons on Earth.

°Primarily has a diet of bats and flying squirrels.

°A Mystic Whisper is a nocturnal dragon with a tail that has glowing scales on the tip. It uses it's tail to attract night time insects, which in turn attracts bats. This is an easy way to lure in prey.

°A Mystic Whisper's gender can be identified by the feeling in which its shed scales put off. A male's shed scales give of an electric shock, while the females scales give of a burning sensation.

°A Mystic Whisper's scales have many effects after being shed. The scales of a male continue to be electrified, and those of a female continue to burn. They also have the effect to nullify access sound and some nearby scents. This protects the dragon while they are venerable while shedding.

°A Mystic Whisper has a short skinny body and a long tail. Its tail will coil like a snake with the glowing tip sticking out. This way its head can go in for the kill; snatching up unsuspecting bats.

°During the day (when the light on their tail is hardly noticable) you could even mistake them for a pile of rocks. The scales that cover their body are rough with a grayish‐brown hue. Its wings membranes are translucent. So during the day this dragon can sleep in peace.

°Though false, there are tales of Mystic Whispers being able to grant wishes. That is actually how they got their name. This story began because a village was plagued by bats, so when the dragons came and ate all of the bats while the villagers were sleeping, they believed the dragons had heard their whispers of prayer.

°A Mystic Whisper sheds often so its camouflage remains perfect, and its tail light stays exceptionally shiny.

°Mystic Whispers are antisocial, yet still rarely fight. The dragons would simply rather avoid other dragons than challenging them for their spot. It will even avoid its hatch mates. The only time these dragons get together is to mate and the mother will raise the hatchlings (If dragon moms didn't suck and need human intervention)

° This dragon is more common in tropical areas; that have larger full time resident bats. That way they don't have to seasonally migrate.

°Mystic Whispers are notoriously good climbers, and have been known to silently climb cave walls to hunt unsuspecting bat colonies.

° A Mystic Whisper's scales will not hurt to the touch until after they are shed, but even after they are shed they will glow for over a century.

°A Mystic Whisper can grow to be the size of a hatchback car.