Princess Hoarder

°Though the name of the dragon makes it sound beautiful; its title actually was given because it resembles the dragons in most American and European fairy tales.

°The gender of the dragon is based on the color of fire it can breathe. green fire means female, while orange fire means male.

°The scales of these dragons are typically green, red, or black.

°Though these dragons were known to pillage towns in times of old, it was purely for there love of shiny things. If a Princess Hoarder so much as saw a mirror or a single gold coin it would try to retrieve it. If there was livestock to snack on on the way, it was simply a bonus.

°Dragons were attracted to castles because of all of the shiny objects, which is why so many tales involve them stealing a princess, or destroying castles.

°They make their nests out of shiny objects.

°They will only eat meat that stands on four legs, though the reason is unknown.

°Princess Hoarders typically make their nests in caves.

°Princess Hoarder's scales are so thick that fire, and even molten lava do not cause the dragon harm.

°Compared to most hatchlings, Princess Hoarders have a relatively short infancy. By the time the dragon is eight weeks old, it is considered an adult, though it is still very small. Dragon ladies typically raise them for longer, resulting in stronger dragons.

°Princess Hoarders have a blue forked tongue.