I realized recently that I had forgotten to describe my characters in great detail, so I am going to give you a better idea on who they are and what they look like.
Ivy Rose Jenkins:
GENDER: Female
AGE: 28 years old
BIRTHDAY: January 12th
SKIN TONE: Olive (she is Hispanic/Caucasian)
HAIR: Long, black, and wavy
EYES: Hazel (sometimes yellow)
HEIGHT: 5'7"
FAMILY: Vincent/Vinny (older brother), Marsha (sister in law), Zeke (nephew), the original eight dragons (children), great Aunt Edna (dead)
UNIQUE FEATURES: Black horns with a helix pattern, eyes that can change yellow, pupils that can retract, heightened senses, super speed, super strength, the ability to communicate with dragons.
PERSONALITY: Her personality and emotions are a roller coaster, and you never know what you will get. She gives everything her all.
William Sr./Bill Schmit:
AGE: 51 years old
BIRTHDAY: September 5th
SKIN TONE: Caucasian
HAIR: Thin grey comb-over
EYES: Blue
HEIGHT: 5'10"
BUILD: Overweight
FAMILY: William Jr./Will Schmit (eldest son), Jasper Schmit (youngest son)
PERSONALITY: He is kind and caring person, despite the grumpy act he puts on. He prides himself on how he raised his children and how hard he works.
William Jr./Will Schmit
AGE: 24 years old
BIRTHDAY: September 8th
SKIN TONE: Caucasian
HAIR: blond, medium length (Male standard)
EYES: Blue
HEIGHT: 6'2"
BUILD: Muscular
FAMILY: William Sr./Bill Schmit(father), Jasper Schmit (younger brother)
PERSONALITY: He is kind, caring and friendly. Though he is not afraid to mess with his younger brother. He will blush at the slightest compliment and is hard working. He takes after his father.
Jasper Schmit
AGE: 12 years old
BIRTHDAY: August 23rd
SKIN TONE: Caucasian
HAIR: dirty blond, medium length (Male standard)
EYES: Blue
HEIGHT: 4'10"
BUILD: Skinny
FAMILY: William Sr./Bill Schmit (father), William Jr./ Will (older brother)
PERSONALITY: This boy is quite pompous, and believes that he is better than everyone because he is smart. He is nice once you get to know him, but he doesn't make the best first impressions. He has a serious obsession with dragons, but more so recording data of them than interacting with them.
Cora Horn
GENDER: Female
AGE: 59 Years Old
BIRTHDAY: February 12th
SKIN TONE: African-American
HAIR: Short, black, with tight curls (perm)
EYES: Brown
HEIGHT: 5'0"
BUILD: Stout
PERSONALITY: This woman believes she is perfect and all knowing. She secretly likes Bill (platonicly), but still acts as if she dislikes him. She has a reputation of being crazy, and it is true. She is an extreme mooch, and has a knack for annoying people.
Mabel (Mouse) Reese
GENDER: Female
AGE: 15 years old
BIRTHDAY: June 25th
SKIN TONE: Caucasian (super pale)
HAIR: Long, red, frizzy.
EYES: Hazel
HEIGHT: 5'6"
BUILD: Skinny
FAMILY: Paul Reese (father), Ava Reese (mother), Peculiar (her dragon)
UNIQUE FEATURES: Mabel has a face full of freckles.
PERSONALITY: Mabel is an optimist, despite the near constant lectures from her most respected friend, Ivy. She is everybody's little sister, with a fun outgoing attitude that is ready to learn everything. Though she does mess up a few things, she has the makings of a great dragon lady, though she doesn't realize how much work it will be.
Paul Reese
AGE: 47 years old
BIRTHDAY: October 19th
SKIN TONE: Caucasian
HAIR: Dark brown, and cut short. He has a goatee as well
EYES: Amber
HEIGHT: 5'11"
BUILD: Average
FAMILY: Mabel Reese (daughter), Ava Reese (wife)
PERSONALITY: Paul is a strong assertive man, his weakness is his family. He works hard at his job, but always seems to make time for Ivy and Mabel. He is kind despite his appearance. He is willing to do absolutely anything for his family.
Comment if you want profiles on the dragons and I will make a chapter for them.