Daisy (?)
-Daisy is a False Human who began to show draconic characteristics at around age five. much like Ivy Jenkins she is of uncertain origins; as she was raised by a senile woman who believed herself to be a dragon lady. It is my belief that she began showing draconic traits, because she was not properly raised around humans. Most of her company were Shadow Sights.
-Daisy's first known symptoms were her growing horns, unlike the much smoother transition that Ivy Jenkins had.
-Daisy was instantly able to understand dragons upon arrival, but she had trouble communicating back. Initially she listened to them with her mind, then spoke with them out loud. Soon enough she figured out how to communicate mentally.
-Unlike Ivy Jenkins, Daisy's scales are light in color and fragile.
-Daisy is able to change the color of her body, as well as the clothes she is wearing. *Further investigation will be needed*
-Daisy grew wings
-Unlike Ivy, whom is seemingly built for battle. Daisy doesn't have extreme speed and strength. Her strongest asset seems to be in methods of escaping danger. With wings and camouflage being her strongest assets.
-Daisy has been imprinted to an albino Spirit Speaker, in which she named Meadow.
-Whether she is able to cause dragon eggs to rapidly hatch is uncertain.
Daisy's scales are thin and are white in color with a gold shimmer. As Daisy was unable to camouflage herself before her scales came in; it is my belief that they are what enables Daisy to completely camouflage herself as well as any garments she is wearing. Unlike Ivy, Daisy's scales are thin, and don't offer any real protection. Her scales have shed twice in the time she has been here, but the scales underneath had already been grown, before the old ones had fallen. Thus increasing the probability that scales are shed until adulthood.
Daisy's wings are thin, leathery, and a light shade of yellow. The wings were painful when they appeared. Daisy did not innately know how to use her wings, upon them appearing. The Deer Chaser called Switch, was able to give her lessons, and now she knows how to properly fly and control her wing movement.
Daisy's horns are small and hardly show past her thick hair. The horns are curled, much like a ram's horns, though the curls are tighter. Even relative to her size, her horns are small. If my theory of horns representing dominant status is true; then it is not something that is earned, rather genetically predetermined.
Much like Ivy's, Daisy's horns don't appear to have any use other than for aesthetic purposes.
As far as I can tell Daisy has not had any change in personality. She behaves as any other child in her situation would. This also leads me to believe that horns indicate a dominance. Once Ivy's large horns had surfaced her protective nature became more aggressive (and I think she is more hot headed). However Daisy behaves as any human child would, even going so far as to adopt Ivy as a sister of sorts.