Chapter 7, "Makeover!"


" I'm back bitches!! "


3rd person pov.

Izuku braced for impact as he heard a bunch of footsteps running his way.


"Zuzu! "

"Zu!" ×2

"Zuki! "

"I missed all of y'all too! "

After they got situated.

Alya: "you bitch! Why didn't you tell us you were coming?! "

I: I wanted it to be a surprise. Surprise! "

J:" Hey what's up with you're clothes?!, you look more of a nerd than what you are.. "

A/n; he had the ua uniform but with the blazer tied around his waist.

I: "ummm.... Ua's uniform... "

Izuku said it while hesitating and looking down. He knew what was coming. When he looked up, he met his friends eyes, and they all yelled:


I:' I'm fucked....( T ʖ̯ T) '

They dragged izuku to aiko's jeep. He sat in passenger and they headed to the mall.

The Jeep.

As they were at the mall they went from store to store to store buying izuku clothes, shoes, accessories, ect. (You can choose any outfit you guys want) as their day was coming closer to an end they decided two things.

1. Give izuku a haircut

2. Get a tattoo.

They all decided to make it a group tattoo of a rose with their names in between.

(Where the letters are, that's where they put their names)

At the end of the day izuku looked like this:

When they left the mall they all got a message except for izuku, not many people knew he was back in the US. If they had known then his phone would've exploded with messages.

The message was about a party that was getting boring, they needed someone to liven up the party. Lucky them the group was back together.

Aiko: "party? "

Everyone: " Hell yea let's go get ready!

I:"my house? "




"I don't mind"

They all headed to izuku's 'house', got ready and headed out.

Their outfits:







After they finished getting ready, they left to the party. When they got to the party, everyone and I mean everyone welcomed izuku and just like that, news spread out that izuku was back in the US and at the party.

The news spread like wildfire in the underworld. A lot of enemies started making plans on attacking. Allies started fixing their schedules to either meet or call izuku.

The party started getting bigger and bigger by the hour and soon in 5 hours the party got too big to handle, so they all decided to move to a bigger place. And take a guess who offered their house? Izuku. Since his dad was pretty rich and izuku was rich on his own, so he had multiple 'houses'. He sent the address to the group chat, and in a blink of an eye, everyone was posting videos and photos about the party and the 'house'.

Everyone was tagging izuku, so his phone was buzzing non-stop, so he put it on silent, and kept partying.

There were people bringing alcohol, and w👀d.(sorry don't wanna get reported) people sleeping with each other, at one point, like at around 4am almost everyone had left. They were either too high to comprehend what was happening, some were passed out drunk. A lot of people ended up calling other people, friends, relatives, ect for a ride. They would party hard but they still payed attention when it came to driving on influence.

The people that were left all decided to play a game. They played the game for an hour before they all left as well.

The game they played.

After everyone had left, the only people left was the group of friends. They weren't black out drunk nor high. They grabbed their partners and headed to the guest room, Aiko and izuku headed to izuku's room and,

Bada bing Bada boom

They all 'slept' with their partners.

A/n; sorry it's short I'm saving some of the drama for the next chapter 👀
