Chapter 11, "my ex-"


?? : "yo!, what did you do this time? "


3rd person pov

I: "why do you always think I'm doing something bad?! "

?? : "bro, you never call me unless you did something bad or you want something. So which is it? "

Izuku chuckled a little.

I:"alright, you caught me. But I need to borrow one of your arenas, I'm in Japan and I need to blow off some steam. "

??:"alright, I'll have her up and running for you, but which one? "

I:"the one close to aldera junior high, think you can do it? "

?? :"aldera?, tf are you doing there? I thought you weren't ever gunna go back there. "

I:" Yeah, I know BUT~, there was a school reunion and I said, why the fuck not, so here I am"

?? :"alright, gotcha. Why don't we meet up if you still have time?, I'm free and around 2pm tomorrow. "

I:"alright sounds good and thanks, bye"

Izuku hung up and turned around to the crowed that was just getting over the shock, and said:

"Yo! Someone I know is letting me use his arena, whoever wants to see a fight, your welcome to come along. It's the arena by (street name) and (street name). Hope to see y'all there! "

And with that everyone cheered and headed to the arena. They had to admit, the reunion was boring. The people who were still shocked were a couple of people.

When they arrived at the arena.

Rd= random dude.

Rd:"are you the group boss called in for? "

Izuku said yes and they were quickly let inside. One of the employees started giving instructions on whoever wants to fight goes to the right, whoever wants to watch, to the left, ect.

Almost half went to the right, mainly to see if izuku was still the crybaby of junior high. The people looking forward to the fight was izuku, aiko, bakugou, daisuke, and haruto. But there was another person that was excited to see izuku.

3rd person pov.

A/n; I'm not good with fight scenes so please bear with me or just use your imagination (´⌒`;).

Izuku was on a roll, and everyone was in a state of shock for most of the time. So let's just say izuku only came out with a few scrathes, but it didn't really bother him, he was used to it.

His training was and is rather hard for normal people, but for izuku it seemed like a walk in the park. It scared people, a lot.

When izuku fought kirishima and bakugou, everyone expected him to tap out, he didn't. Everyone thought he was looking for death and wanted to welcome it with open arms.

Oh how wrong they were. Both pro heroes lost, and almost went unconscious. Then things got serious when aiko walked into the arena.

A:"hey babe, don't go easy on me today. "

I:" Since when do I go easy on you? "

Everyone heard their conversation and thought "just how strong is he/did he get? "

After those words the 2 boys went at each other's throat. They knew whoever lost, lost with pride and that no hard feelings were involved.

A/n; again idk how to do fight scenes but I'll try to fix that, just imagine it for now, please and thank you!

In the end it was a tie, izuku said he didn't feel like carrying a half dead boyfriend home. After that many people left, except for a little group of people that wanted to talk with izuku.

It was daisuke, haruto, bakugou, kirishima, and ???.

D:"when did you get a quirk?! "

I:"I mean just now I didn't use my quick tille half way, but I got it in our last year at aldera. Then 2 semesters in at yuuei, I left to America and ended up getting a couple new quirks."

D, h, b, k,? :".... "

A:"close your mouths before a fly goes in"

They all snapped their mouth closed. Evey thing was going fine until izuku noticed someone standing behind the group of boys. They all turned to see where he was staring. They were shocked by who they saw.

?? :"hey..... Izu,..... Can we talk in private... Please? "

A/n;"leaving the drama for the next chapter but for now enjoy. Btw srry for the wait "school" Started and I already have problems to deal with🙄🤦‍♀️ so sorry if the updates take longer
