
Crash, the two bokken collide.The wood is slowly splinters. Aichi goes for the finishing cut. His bokken slashes throughout the air. But with a strong force behind, Gao strikes upward. Both weapons were at the end of their lives, cracks on all sides. Both knew they must give it their all in one final attack, before the fight is rendered a draw. Aichi retreats from the vicious battle of strength and takes up a surprisingly weak stance. Lured in by Aichi's supposed weakened state Gao rushes forward with fearsome speed, wanting to conclude the training exercise in fabulous style. But little did he know that, in his ruthless rush, Aichi had started to prepare for a spectacular leap. Just as Gao was about to strike the finishing blow, Aichi flipped into the air, sword in left hand. In midair he twisted and shook the audience of students silly by completing this awesome show of ability by striking Gao on the head.

Aichi's ninety ninth win in a row.

Gao couldn't believe he had lost again!

"AHHHHHH!" "You won't have a 100th AICHI!"

"We'll see,We'll see."

Aichi snickered as if possessed by a spirit of laughter.

Gao huffed. How was he supposed to beat this guy! At this point he might need a cybernetic limb replacement to do so!

Even though he was the number two at the dojo,

He felt that there was a massive gulf between Aichi and him,and considering the age difference of 3 years and a half that would be understandable . But he would slowly but surely build a bridge to the other side. He had too to stop the humiliation!

Yue guffawed. "Give up Yuan Gao.Be satisfied with number two."

"Never!!" Gao roared.

"Hey at least your resilient,"Aichi remarked.

In the evening.

Gao knocked on Aichi's door.

Aichi came out with a tired look in his eyes.

"Why so low man?"

"I was practicing with my bokken, want a training spar?"

Gao shook his head, he had another purpose.

"Wanna play football outside?"

"Gao right now I am devoted to practicing a new grip technique. Can we play anoth..

"Pleaseeeee pretty please"

Gao looked at Aichi with puppy eyes.

Aichi gave up and came along.

Roshi and Yue we're outside, both grinning from ear to ear.

"So…,"Roshi said in a dark and raspy voice "I see you have used the darkness from beyond the seal"

"Yes brother, we have captured the king of the beasts."

"MWAHAHAHA!"they cried in unison.

"Let's get this other with,first to three. You guys versus me as usual."

"The tremendous trio shall strike you down!"Gao declared.

Aichi starts. He moves faster than lightning and passes Roshi. Yue goes in for the slide tackle.Aichi gracefully leaps over her and takes a miraculous shot at goal. One-nil.

Gao starts with the ball,passes to Yue.Roshi calls as he makes a run. Yue fakes a pass to Roshi, before belting it with the ball. Aichi sees this coming and pressures Yue. But She does a rainbow flick pass over to Gao who immediately slams it into the goal.1-1

Aichi starts moving with the ball getting two metres away from them before suddenly stopping. Yue cautiously starts to move in.Aichi, seeing this immediately makes his move. Kicking the ball high into the sky Aichi runs forward,a mischievous look in his eye. All three were surprised by this sudden burst of movement that they were unable to react, jumped like a kangaroo, soaring straight into the sky,and mid-air, he flipped round and struck the ball with such strength that it destroyed the net on contact.

"What the….what in that world was that?"

The trio's mouths were wide as the sky.

"That my friends, was my resonance."

Resonance is a power of which the source of is still being discovered(one's true nature)

There are five levels of hara.

Increase: Increasing physical ability

Transfer. Telekinesis, teleportation

Kiai. The power of a voice from the hara. This can knockout or knock people down with only their voice.

Construct: this is when you turn your resonance into a construct/mental idea.

Burn. Your resonance can be described as a circle. When you use resonance burn, you sacrifice some of your permanent resonance to defeat an enemy. If the circle evaporates/finishes, then you can't use your resonance anymore. Permanently.

"After puberty, so around 12/13 you should be able to start using it too.

"Wow Aichi that's cool, but even with that the tremendous trio will still conquer!"

Gao starts with the ball.Aichi seemingly teleports forward with his mind bending speed, but Gao knew this would happen. However since he was so quick, Gao mis-kicked it into the forest surrounding the pitch.

"I'll get it,"Gao said.

"Nah, don't worry about it, besides I'm faster anyway."

"Alrighty then, see ya,"uttered Roshi.

Aichi ran into the forest, while strategizing how to beat the tremendous trio today. He might have to use his resonance and use the same jump technique as before. To be honest it might be more fair if they had five more players.

"Now where is that football, it should be around here."

"LoOkInG fOr ThIs?"

A man shrouded in darkness revealed himself.

Aichi felt an intense, suffocating darkness consuming the surroundings.He had to move, now.

He channeled all the resonance he had into his feet, but he hit an object as solid as a rock.

Did he hit a tree? He turned around to face the thing stopping his escape, only to find it to be that same man.

"Who are you?"

"YoUr wOrSt NiGhTmArE!"

Aichi heard the man laugh profusely before blacking out, eyes rolling back.

Yue, Roshi and Gao searched for hours and couldn't find Aichi.They alerted their parents and soon the whole town was searching. But none could find the boy.

1 week later

"I guess he really won't have a 100th win."Gao Muttered, tears pouring down his face.