Dor.. I mean Gao the explorer part 1

Explore part 1

"Bravo Bravo Bravo. Not only did you beat it, but you fought so flamboyantly too." Hirokoshi chuckled

"It was like it was a tv show, how spectacular." Kurenai concurred

"Haru and Roshi really had me on the edge of my seat, such close calls!"

"How many guild points will we get from this?" Yue questioned.

"350 each."

Hirokoshi walked up to the corpse of the crocodile, and took his hand out, making it straight and sharp.

Gao, being curious at this peculiar hand position, chose to use Revelation, something he really should try to constantly keep up in battle, like Roshi.

Using it, he spotted resonance creeping up into his master's hand, to the point where it's richness seemed to consume the, some being flushed into the environment.

The sensei lifted his hand to the eye of the beast, and manoeuvred his hand so fast it seemed to have left after images. A circle formed around the eyelid, and Hirokoshi plucked it out.

"Evidence."Hirokoshi stated.

"You had to do that didn't you?" Kurenai chuckled.

"Left my sword in the car, too lazy to get it out before the trans."

"You can teleport. Te-le-port." Kurenai countered.

Hirokoshi smirked.(he really was flexing).

After a few moments, something really interesting occurred. The once 4 metre tall monstrosity started to become smaller.

4,3,2,1, it returned to a normal state, still dead.

"Could you explain how that works?"Yue asked.

"After being killed, it's energy leaked into the surroundings, returning it to a normal state. Well, let's get back then."

"The evidence is solid. Thank you for your help. Here is the 1000 pounds promised."

The man in the suit took his leave.

"142 pounds for each of you then,"Kurenai stated.

"Just getting a bit stronger would up the efficiency of this greatly. Can money be converted into guild points?" Roshi asked

"At a rate of 20 pounds:1 guild point."

"That's absolutely maddening!"

" No, it makes a lot of sense. I want you to ask this. If the head of the guild went around doing loads of missions, how much money do you think he could acquire. This is considering the fact that, being level he is, he could take on missions orders of magnitude harder than this one, with crazy efficiency, considering he can teleport and use kiai,burst and burn,easier than we can breathe. Do you think he needs money?" Roshi asked

Gao looked down at the floor, a bit embarrassed.

"Come onnn, don't look so down man. Contemplating and accepting such large amounts if money is hard. You'll get used to it.Let's play WQ 29XBeyond while on the train." Roshi chuckled, grabbing Gao's shoulder.

"Hey, don't leave me out. I am going to destroy myself, even if it takes me forever." Yue laughed.

They all smiled, as the sun came down, leaving a beautiful painting on the sky

Buzz buzz buzz, the trio's numbers went from 0-350.

"Well, the crystal rock's will have to take our leave. Plan to cultivate more resonance in them sooner or later but anywho, for now, au revoir."

Hirokoshi army-saluted to his friend, and the crystal rocks left the premises.

"Soooooooo, what do we plan to do now Hirokoshi?" Yue asked

"Why don't you kids go explore around here. It'll be fun. See if you can find the training room."

Yue blinked, rubbed her eyes, and was about to say something to their master, but he had already disappeared.

A man in a lab coat like suit dropped a coin, with an insignia on it.

"It seems you dropped this."Roshi said, inspecting it for a second before handing it back.

He expressed his thanks before walking off.

"Well, since Sensei asked us to explore, Let's explore this place from top to bottom, every single corner. This day shall be known as the makings of the three great explorers, and we will carry out our mission till the end of time!" Gao guffawed, before jogging to the lift.

Smiling radiantly, the other two chased Gao into the lift.