
You know what they say. Practice practice practice.

An enormous hug ensues. Afterwards

"Who, what, where, when, why, how." Roshi started.

"Doesn't matter. You need to learn to wield your weapons. How has the transfer from normality to this been for you. Oh, it's so nice to see you three midgets again!" Lucaria proclaimed.

"Oh you can't talk, you six foot nine behemoth." Yue chuckled.

"Let's get to work then, bring those weapons. As usual, Sensei just throws you in and sees how you do for your first fight. Gao, did you seriously get gauntlets. I guess an old dog really can't learn new tricks. Here, Gao, take this longsword. Roshi, take this Khopesh"

"How do they get swords from you." Yue mumbled.

"Because you already have two katanas with your fancy-switchy Xenirium weapon. Anyway, all of you are going to learn how to wield a katana today. I hope you like repetition exercises. And here are your training partners, the three Nobles of the wood kingdom,Woody One,Woody Two, Woody Thr…, Hey Greta.You coming for the early work out too?

"As always. These apprentices of yours?"Greta asked.

"Nope. Fellow students of Quantum. Shift your back foot more to the right Roshi. Don't try to dual wield immediately Yue. Gao take off your Gauntlets, you already know how to punch stuff."

4 hours later.

Huffs and puffs radiated from the three martial artists.

" Alright, take another 1 minute break, before we go into the next phase of the practice. 1 minute gone. Now, let's fight."

"I'm s-sorry, what."Roshi huffed.

"Did I stutter? You need experience mate. We are going to drill this into you, until the techniques of wielding a sword, katana, khopesh, it doesn't matter, are one with your body, soul and spirit. Now come on, don't try and get some more break time."

"Can't I just use my,"Gao breathed, before being cut off.

"Again, did I stutter Gao. Or should I just make you do another four hours of the sword-wielding Kata's." Lucaria Guffawed.

Yue blasted from her spot, getting in 3 ft of Lucaria before swinging her sword, only just missing her.

"I guess we've started now." Roshi shrugged, before twirling his khopesh in the air,dropping it a few metres in front of him, making it bounce forward, and, flashing over to its position with incredible speed, slashed at his current adversary. It seemed dead on to hit, but just as he thought it would hit, Lucaria somehow shifted to the left of his strike and pulled of a vicious backlanding Roshi on his back, knocking the air out of him.

"Ay ay ay, couldn't even redirect the brunt of the attack." Lucaria teased.

Seeing her distracted, Yue twisted, while at the same time drawing her sword. A scratch on her hand appeared, drawing some Blood. She sliced upwards. As she was doing that, Gao came in for a downwards slice. But what seemed like perfection turned to rot. As these two came in, Lucaria jumped upwards, somehow dodging Gao's downward cut, and in the process, made the two attacks collide. They recoiled quickly but by then it was too late.

With a wry grin, Lucaria fell from the heavens and planted her feet on the backs of her competitors, bashing them to the floor.

"Let's try that again, it was nigh humiliating."

Slice, cut, stab, single attack, combo attack, team attack, all dodged ,except for one parried, by this elusive squirrel. After the fifth battle, Roshi panted, "Are you teleporting or something, because this is insanity."

The other two exclaimed their agreement.

"Oh dear, it seems you have figured me out,how devastating. This is what you are up against, in the lower tiers at least. Tell me, what do you know about teleporting." Lucaria said.

"You can do it, and it's amazing?" Gao chuckled."

Lucaria blinked, and then put a hand to her face.

"Time to learn the fundamentals. Teleportation is limited. The farthest that people have ever teleported is 5 km.Potential and distance have a positive correlation. However, you also have a cool down. You start at 30 seconds and the lowest I've heard off is 0.25 seconds. One of the most used techniques is minor shifting. It's a way to not only fight publicly with your powers without being recognised, but a way to throw your opponent of balance. When working with a sword, especially with a stab and an uppercut, make sure you don't lose yourself in the strike. They are best for feints. Also, to unlock teleportation, you need to go to a particular place, but don't worry bout that for now. Time for more practice."

"Ayy ayy ayy." The three said in unison.