Retaining edge

The next morning.

Gao woke up with a start. Dreams filled with abstract pain that clutched his heart. He looked at the clock, which stated the time as ten o clock. He exhaled, trying to get the fear still lingering to disappear. He changed, and stepped outside his dormitory. He went straight to the training room, released a hanging punching bag, and let loose. Punch after punch after punch. He didn't even notice when Yue called out to him from the other side of the room.


Gao turned and looked at Yue. He waved.

Yue threw something at him. Gao caught it, gave her a thumbs up, and started chewing it immediately.

Yue got back to practicing with her staff, while Gao released punch after punch.

About 30 minutes later, some panels on the wall of the training room slid back to reveal Havoc sitting in his office on a screen.

"Good Morning great flames of the dual flame guild. I have an announcement for you all. As per usual, the Ten Pillars of the guild are here this week to help you all reach higher heights in your abilities. However, here's a surprise! Each one of them will be staying for multiple months this year. Isn't that great! I can hear your shouts of pure joy already. In fact, I can't because all of you are so focused on helping the guild out and getting stronger, and wouldn't waste breath to express your utter joy. However, I can feel your passion all the way from here! Considering the new influx of members recently, I'm sure some of you might not be in the know of who the Ten Pillars are. Well, the Ten Pillars are the ten strongest phantoms(members of the TFL) of our guild. Apart from me of course." Ten faces appeared on screen. " And for their names and abilities, well that's up to their own discretion to decide. Come visit my office if there's any concerns or worries, and visit the receptionist downstairs for information and a leaflet about general information that your recruiter or master should have filled you in on but didn't. Let our flames never weaken. That is all then. Goodbye!"

"Well that seems like an opportunity doesn't it?" Someone said.

Gao stopped punching the punching bag and turned to see four people. Neji, Vadik, Himari and Haru.

Neji jumped towards Gao, and swiftly jabbed towards his face.

Gao dodged before bringing his fist upwards for an uppercut.

Neji changed the trajectory of his punch and landed his fist on Gao's face as Gao's fist collided with his stomach.

Neji hit the ground and smiled. "So you haven't lost your edge. Heard about what you went through from your master. He seemed so worried about you. Well, here's Neji's advice for you. Keep that edge to stay alive."

Haru, Himari, and Vadik all did jazz hands as Neji posed flamboyantly.

Gao nodded and chuckled.

"So," Vadik exclaimed. "Where's the man himself?"

"Good morning. It seems that you've been worried about me Gao. How kind of you." Roshi teased.

"Oh! Are you looking to fight Roshi?"

An hour later

After trying her best with training with her Xenirium staff, Yue remembered about the guild information leaflet and set out to go get it, Himari following behind.

"Have you started to get used to the weight of your weapon yet?" Himari asked while twirling her hair.

"As much as I can with minor prior training. I'll check the leaflet to see if one of the Ten Pillars are proficient in staff handling."

"Makes sense. Yue, are you alright after yesterday?"

Yue's eyes clouded over as she nodded.

Himari pressed the problem no more.

As she got to the front desk, she asked the receptionist (who was drinking a cup of coffee) for a leaflet. Then, she recounted the faces she saw in the video played on the video an hour ago. Just to check, she activated revelation, and immediately stumbled back.

The receptionist turned to face Yue and asked "Are you alright?"