The Unbelievable

Roshi turned away from the tabletop and saw Gao strolling past the door. He looked back at Greta and Xander, and pointed with his thumb towards the door.

Why"Would you like to postpone the rest of the lesson to tomorrow?"

"Should be back in an hour so I'll be back."

"I'll come with you as well. To make sure your tomfoolery doesn't get too out of hand."

They walked out the door with sighs of relief following them.

"Gao!" Roshi exclaimed as Gao waited outside the lift.

Gao turned with a wide smile.

"Lesson finished?"

"Yup," Vadik said, popping out from behind Roshi, which wouldn't be possible if they were any closer, considering his size.

They both got to the lift as it opened. They all stepped in.

"So, where are we going?" Roshi questioned

"Just for a walk around, we haven't seen the area have we?"

"True. It'd be good to survey the area." Vadik noted.

Roshi and Gao eyed each other and smiled.

"You know…." Gao started

"We were meant to mention something in our first conference, but we were distracted by choosing our classes and enhancing our weapons." Roshi said, as he and Gao started circling around Vadik in the elevator.

"We think," they said in unison, "You, should be the leader of our coalition."

Vadik blinked. "What?"

As they strolled around in the metropolis Vadik continued to interrogate them on their choice of him as leader, with Roshi and Gao dodging his questions every time.

"Vadik, it's not even just us. Everyone, and I mean everyone chose you."

"Roshi, you're the strategic one, creating plans in an instant. Gao, you're way better than me at motivation."

"But you, my friend, are level headed, strategic, motivational, and not Gao," Roshi snickered in the last part, to receive a punch from Gao immediately.

After a few moments, Roshi piped up and asked, "How's the lessons with Natasha, Katlyn and Juan going?"

Gao chuckled and guffawed, "It's something alright. Natasha brings too much energy, Katlyn has absolutely none, and Juan is just tired of being stuck between the two. Learning is certainly a challenge."

"Do you guys want to eat? If so, I'd say we should go there."

"Leader," Gao and Roshi said in unison.

As Roshi laughed and Vadik rolled his eyes, Gao turned and looked around, taking in his surroundings. Then, his eyes settled on a singular person. He stopped for a moment. Then, he started to run.

"There's no way, no way, no way."

The figure that Gao had seen walked down a flight of stairs with two men standing by the flight's side.

Gao tried to dash straight down the stairs but was grabbed by one of the men. Resonance flooded his left fist and he struck out at the man. Yet, no visible damage was done. The man threw him to the ground.

Roshi and Vadik arrived to see Gao seething on the floor. He got back up again and was about to charge once more at the men, only for Vadik and Roshi to grab him.


No reaction could be read from the men.

Vadik and Roshi pulled Gao back as the sound of a singular name permeated the air.
