
"There are four months left now."

"I assume you're referring to the convergence?"

There was a nod.

"Will they be ready?"

"They might need a bit more of a fast track,"

"Your proposal is in good faith, but they need a good foundation much more than some of us did."

"That's a good point. However, necessity begets action. Though they are stronger than average frosts, they're going to need to ascend to at least be thawed for them to make any lasting effects."

"They do have a better solid upbringing in martial arts though, better than many other Frosts and even some thawed."

"That won't matter in the face of teleportation."

"Of course. Are they still using the abilities they've been taught by you two?"

"Not enough." Two men said in unison.

"Oh, you two are old men now," Someone clapped. "I'll beat it into them."

They're was a singular chuckle at this idea.

"So then, is it agreed that we will give them a bit of a boost than the intense experience they're currently getting now?"

There were many nods around the room.

"Well, we have the agreement of everyone. Prepare them something nice, Greta."

Greta's grin widened immensely.

"Oh and Lucaria?"

Lucaria nodded.

"Don't make them take too many more trips to the infirmary. Or someone might just get a bit angry."

The figure pointed to two red eyes behind him.

Yue walked into her room, Himari following behind. They both stumbled towards their beds, only to find something new in front of each of them.

"Enjoy your day tomorrow. After that, we'll start training you guys for real. Hope your last day of enjoyment will be spectacular! Love Lucaria."

Yue shuddered.

"Who's Lucaria?" Himari asked as she looked at the page quizzically.

"You remember that one time all the kids from both the gyms tried to fight one of the big kids. It was a 20 v 1. And the one won. That was Lucaria. Without resonance. Or teleportation. Or telekinesis."

Himari blinked. Then her eyes darkened. And both Himari and Yue started to engage in a tremendously horrifying laugh.

As Vadik, Roshi, Gao, Haru and Neji were all heading to the Games room, to make the most of their last 24 hours of life, they came across Kashikoi, carrying boxes with everything possible, floating disks, automated hoovers, a giant mechanical spider, a dog, the list went on. His army of load carries from all walks(or floats of life), crossed with the 5 boys. They tried to just nod and pass by, but Kashikoi's cries for help stopped them from moving away.

Vadik smiled regretfully. "I'm sorry sir, but I'm not sure if we are currently in the position to he-"

"Helppppppppp. So many incoming children. So much work. Help meeee. Why did we give the recruitment bonanza the go ahead. I hate you Zenith. Anthony. Bossss. Whyyyyy!"

The five boys shivered, and tried to run away. But to no avail. In the end, they turned, and started to help with Kashikoi's lament.