Return of the Immortal mage chapter 16--The auction

Now the first step of Jinsang's plan was completed. The next step was to make money and connections. It was a very important step to ensure Jinsang's reign over zhanghong city. Due to the injuries Jinsang got at the match with Jinsungnim he was still not in his full health and had to rest for one day. After one day, Jinsang got much healthier and went to meet the head of Shen family. He was surprised to hear that Shen xixin was the daughter of the had of the Shen family. The had of the family was a respectable and kind hearted person he also was a peak level advanced mage. Jinsang went to him and greeted him and said to him that

"Head of the Shen family I am extremely grateful for your hospitality but I shall not remain here anymore to disturb you. I owe you a favour and if there is any problem in the future you can come to me for help" .

After saying this Jinsang goes out of the Shen family main hall and prepares to go out of the Shen family. As he was going out of the Shen family he saw Shen xixin at the gate of the family house. He went to her and said that

"Xixin I am extremely grateful to you. If you have any problem in the future you can come to me" .

Shen xixin got mad and felt extremely offended as Jinsang was the person she liked she had given him hints many times but he had always not noticed them. She slapped Jinsang and then ran inside the house crying. Jinsang laughed and said that

"The path towards the top is a lonely one."

Her then went to his house and refined some grade 4 elixers. He then went to the medicine market. There he saw a giant auction store and went in there. He said to the shopkeeper that

"I am here to sell some elixers refined by me".

A person said came to him and said that

" The elixer refining is not children play".

The person who said this was An old aged man with a strict expression on his face .

Jinsang replied to him that

"You won't know unless you have seen It ".

The old man takes the elixer and smells it . He's gets shocked to see that the medicine in his hand was a grade 4 elixer . Even a grade 3 elixer master was rare and the boy in front of him was a grade 4 elixer master. He asked from Jinsang that

"Boy, who is your master?"

Jinsang replied that

"My master does not allow me to speak his name in front of other people" .

Jinsang had to say this but I'm reality Jinsang never had any master of was only due to his past life memories that he was able to refine it.

The old man thought that Jinsang's master must be a very famous person that he does not allow him to speak his name in front of people ".

The old man's attitude towards Jinsang changes he becomes very respectful towards him and announced in his shop that

" You all listen , whenever this gentleman wants to come in this shop you all have to greet and be respectable towards him. He is now a VIP of this shop ".

Jinsang then realized that the old man was the owner of that shop.

Everyone gets shocked hearing that such a young man was able to earn the owner favour. The old man then took Jinsang into a room and respected him very much. The old man said to him that

"Your elixer has been out at auction. If you want we can go there and see the bidding at the auction" .

Jinsang nods yes and then goes to the auction with the old man. He gets shocked to seen that only at the start of the auction the price reached millions. What more was that the person who won the bidding was the head of the Shen family. When the auction ended and the head of the Shen family came to pay he was more than surprised to see that Jinsang was the seller. Jinsang said to them that

"As a repayment of your favour you may take these elixer for free" .

The Shen family head thanked him and went back. As Jinsang was returning back to his home he encountered a man lying in the the middle of the street with a girl beside him. The girl who was beside that man was very beautiful but the man's face seemed pale. Jinsang went to the girl and said that

"I can cure him but you should step aside."

The girl didn't believe Jinsang and refused to leave the man. Jinsang said to her that

"If you be anymore selfish this man will here and now lose his life".

The girl seemed reluctant at first but then she moved away from the man. Jinsang went closer to the man and then formed numerous needles by his mana and pressed them onto various parts of the man's body. Jinsang gave that man an acupuncture. After some time of the acupuncture the man woke up . The girl rushed towards the man and hugged him. Jinsang informed to the girl that

"What this man has is no ordinary disease it is an inheriting disease. I have treated him for temporarily it would be better if you take him to a good mage doctor or else this disease would relapse. The girl said to Jinsang that

" Hey can you tell me your name I will be sure to reward you ".

Jinsang replies that

" I don't want any reward nor did I do it because of any money so you need not to repay me. As for my name it is Jinsang".

As Jinsang was saying these words he turned back and left from there.

The end

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